Chapter 2: A Meeting at King's Crossings

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I walked quietly through the train station. Anna on the other hand.....

"I've never been to a train station before. It's warmer than I thought."

"Anna, remember we are here to go to school. This isn't a vacation."

"I know, its just so nice to out of Arendelle."

I was shocked to hear this. I had always thought my sister enjoyed our Norwegian home.

"Don't you enjoy Arendelle?"

"Well, yeah but no one should be cooped up there forever."

That stopped me in my tracks. That's what I planned on doing for the rest of my life. That made me think, what if Anna planned on leaving? I would never be able to survive without her!

"Elsa! Elsa! Stop it!"

"Wha..." I had accidentally created a mini storm around us. I stuck my hands out to stop the swirling winds. The winds suddenly stopped and the swirling snowflakes dropped on our heads.

"Elsa is that what the letter meant by magic? Like that storm you made?"

"I.. um.. well," I stuttered out.

"Whew. I'm glad. I thought I was the only one who made crazy things happen."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, that room of paintings, I made them talk."

"You what!?"

"Elsa, quiet down people are staring."

Then it all came back to me.

"Anna, the train!"

We sprinted through the station bumping into people and knocking over carts. We slowed down when we neared our platform.

"Elsa? I don't see a platform nine and three-quarters."

Neither did I. I started looking around frantically hoping someone else was looking for it too.

"Mulan, you will bring honor to us. Just relax. Now where is that platform nine and three-quarters?"

I whirled around to see an Asian looking family walking through the crowd. I grabbed Anna's hand and raced towards them.

"Excuse me, sir, but could you help us find platform nine and three-quarter?" I asked with a worried expression.

"You must be first years! Don't worry, its Mulan's first time too. You see that wall. Just run straight into it and you'll appear on the other side." he chuckled.

"Won't that make us run into a wall?" Anna blurted out.


The man laughed, "You're forgetting that we're magic. We aren't hurt at all."

Just to show us they ran straight through the wall. I stared with my jaw hanging.

"Wow! Mum! Did you see that! I want to try!" a heavily accented voice came through. Elsa turned to see a girl with a mop of curly red hair pointing at the wall.

"It looks dangerous. I don't know about letting you go to this "School of Witchcraft " What if you get hurt?" her mother replied.

Anna raced over and said, "It's not dangerous at all. Come on!" She gestured for the red haired girl to come along.

She reached through the crowd and straight through the wall. The red head trailing not far behind.



The girl's mother and I reached through the wall. On their other side was a magnificent train engine. I saw all sorts of people racing to get on the train. I saw Mulan and her family, a ginger boy with thick arms, a girl with dazzling glass shoes, someone trying to catch their fleeing owl.

"Elsa! What are you waiting for come on! Its about to leave!" Anna was standing a few feet away with her new owl, Chezem, perched on her shoulder. I raced over and followed her on the train.

With two blows of the trains whistle, we were off! I didn't think this was a scam anymore.

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