Chapter 13: Fighting Through the Pain

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Pitch's POV

I slipped back into control of Elsa's body. This was going to be fun.

"Huh, serves him right. Maybe next time he'll learn to control his broom." I said

"Elsa! Why would you say something like that!?" I heard a voice say. The crowd parted so I could see the speaker. It was none other than the famous Jack Frost.

"Oh, Jack. Willing to take on any charity case. The violent redhead, my pathetic cousin, that klutz who wants to train dragons, even my lying sister. You were even willing to take on me. But I know about how you always look to protect the weak so you look like the hero."

"Elsa...what's gotten into you?" he whispered.

"Oh what's gotten into me? I think of it as a well needed attitude adjustment. One that you obviously don't appreciate. Its fine though, I have other friends." I taunted.

Behind me Hans stepped up and put his hand on my shoulder. Two more Slytherins stepped up behind him. One was a short girl with short black hair who was named Mavis. She was known as "Daddy's Little Girl." Next to her looking slightly scared was a tall, well built boy. He had shaggy brown hair and a unsure smirk. His name was Flynn. No one dared to trust him with any valuables. Especially fathers with their daughters.

"What happened to you Elsa? We are friends." Jack pleaded.

"Oh really? Friends? I think I was just another girl to you. Just another charity case who was unsure of her power. Trust me Jack. I am much more sure of myself."

I could hear Elsa inside me pleading, begging to stop. Her fear smelled divine.

I hopped on the nearest broom and took off. I slowed the broom to see Jack, staff in hand, flying through the air towards me.

"Come on Jack, we both know you can barely keep up." I taunted. "You're just up here to seem like a hero and get me in trouble."

He then lost it. He let out a yell and slapped his hands together. Icy sparks flew from his hands and staff. Even though his attack was quite powerful, I easily blocked it. Now was the perfect time to test my powers. I shot out a perfect mix of black sand and ice at him. He didn't expect it. It shot him in the shoulder. He instantly froze in place and dropped like a stone. Some of the students caught him and laid him gently on the ground.

"He's not moving!"

"He's ice cold!"

"Why would Elsa do that?"

Murmurs rippled through the crowd of kids surrounding Jack. I let my broom bring slowly to the ground. I stood with a triumphant smile. Jack suddenly woke up and could move again. He jumped up and glared at me. I kept smiling. Elsa was practically bawling in my mind. Then I felt it, the connection with me and her mind ripped like fabric.


Elsa's POV

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I saw Jack glaring at me. I took an unconscious step backwards.

"What have I done? What have I done?" I repeated to myself. I then turned and ran into the castle brushing by Professor Toothiana. She looked back at me with confusion. I kept running. I didn't stop until I had reached the girls bathroom. As soon as I got there I turned to see the fractured mirror I had broken earlier. I dropped to the ground and sobbed. I hurt Jack. I insulted my friends. I should just leave. Leave it all. A voice in the mirror made me look up.

"Oh, come now, it was just a little fun. We didn't hurt anyone." My reflection said with a smirk.

"No! Because of you I almost hurt Jack! He will never want to see me again!" On the word again I punched the broken mirror repeatedly. I finally gave up and slid to the floor crying. My hands and my heart hurt. I ripped pieces of the bottom of my robe to wrap around my knuckles. I sat there crying trying not to drown in my own tears.


Jack's POV

I awoke on the ground with a start. I hopped up and glared at Elsa. How dare she! She almost killed me! She stood there just smiling. Then, for a moment her smile faltered, then it became a look of terror. I heard her whispering.

"What have I done? What have I done?"

I felt my face soften. She took off running. Just then the professor came walking in.

"What happened while I was gone?" she asked with a hand on her hip.


"The headmaster's office is this way." Professor N told me.

I had told Professor Toothiana it would be better if I told the headmaster. We walked to a griffin and she ushered me in front of it. She muttered a few words then the griffin spun upwards until it faced a new room. I was quite surprised. It was filled with ice sculptures of all different inventions. There were also small elf creatures scurrying about. Along with that, there were also giant furry creatures I guessed were yettis. In the center of it all, stood Professor North singing along with harsh sounding orchestra music.

"Buuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh..." he sang just as a ice airplane sailed through the air straight into a yetti's head. "How many times have a told you to watch where you're walking!"

"Um, excuse me?" I said quietly. All bustle seemed to stop. All eyes were on me.

"Jack! How nice of you to join me!" Professor North's Russian voice rang out. Instantly all of the elves and yettis scurried out of sight. It was just me and him.

"Fruit cake?" he asked holding up a platter. I shook my head no.

"I need to talk to you." I said trying to be confident. "I think something's wrong with Elsa."

"Hmm, is that so?" he questioned out loud. "Tell me why you think this."

I rattled off the story of flying practice. I told him how I thought it was suspicious how she was so confident then ran off in fright. He nodded with a serious expression. When I was finished he stood up.

"Jack, these are very legitimate concerns. I thank you for bringing these to my attention. We must get to Elsa before she does something rash." he said.

"The only problem is I don't know where she is." I sighed.

"Ohh! Easy for me! I just use this!" he pulled a snow globe off his desk. "I say... Elsa." he whispered. He threw it and it opened to a swirling mix of white. He grabbed my shoulder and dragged me through the magic portal.

Authors note

omg I hope you guys love this chapter as much as I did. So comment, vote, share, whateve. A shout out to brylinc, her book Mind and Lilly, is the best!!!!! She based a character off of me! so please read her stuff. she is a dear friend of mine and a talented author. READ IT!!!

Signing out,

Forever Faith

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