Chapter 6: Catastrophe in Class

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Authors Note
Hey, guys! Sorry I'm getting this up a little late. But Oh My Goodness! There are so many more people reading this than I thought. I want to give a shout out to my friends theautumnsky and marsypig. Go check out their stuff! It is awesome! Lovin your guy's comments! Please leave more! I love reading your ideas and comments. I also need ideas for animated characters in my story. So comment and let me know who you guys want to see!


Anna's POV

I woke up to lots of giggles all around the room. Once I sat up I saw that everyone was pointing and laughing at me.

"What are you guys laughing at?" I yawned.

A second year quickly walked over with a brush in her hand. She sat on the edge of my bed and began to work on my bed head, or as the servants called it, the monster.

"Hi! My name is Giselle. I'm sorry I just started working on your hair without asking, but it looked like it needed help." the girl working on my hair said.

"It's all right. Back at the castle the servants did same thing." I replied without thinking. A sudden tug made my head hurt. All talking stopped.

"You live in a castle?" Giselle asked astonished.

"Yes. It's not as big as this castle, but fairly big." I replied.

"Wait, you're a princess?" Giselle asked, again sounding really surprised.

"Yes, I'm the princess of Arendelle." I replied.

Instantly all of the girls in the room flocked to me. They were all fighting to get closest to me. They began asking me all sorts of questions. Politics, Makeup, what a princess wears, princes I've met, and on and on. Finally a voice rang out among the rest.

"Quiet! I bet not one of you actually wants to be her friend. You all just want be known by a princess. I don't see the big deal."

I looked to see an African American girl already dressed and ready for class.

"I don't see what the big deal is either." I replied. Thanks to Giselle untangling my hair, I hopped off the bed, pulled on my uniform, and chased after her. "Look, I'm sorry if I offended you or anything, but I didn't mean to blurt that out and seem like I wanted attention. People just shouldn't ask me questions in the morning."

She smiled, "It's all right. It was them I was aimin' at. They were the ones who wanted attention. My name is Tiana. What's yours?"

"My name is Anna. And just Anna. No princess stuff." I said.

"Deal. Now let's get to breakfast. I'm starvin'!"


"Come on! We've got Transfiguration!" Tiana quickly said as we ran down the hallways.

We bolted in the class room right before the teacher could begin to speak.

"Hello, class! My name is Professor Godmother. Welcome to Transfiguration! This class will teach you how to change one item into another. For example." She set a pumpkin on her desk, and whispered, "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!" The pumpkin rolled off her desk and grew and grew until it was a beautiful white carriage.

"Well, that's not at all what I wanted it to be. Sorry kids, I meant for the pumpkin to turn in to a tortoise. This sometimes happens when I use pumpkins."

"Are you kidding! That was amazing!" a boy behind me yelled. I turned to see the boy was Hiccup Haddock, a first year.

"I know, right?" I said excitedly.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it, because we will be trying out your skills at it today!" Professor Godmother said enthusiastically.

With a flick of her wand little gourds floated onto all of our desks. She told us the spell and set us off to work. Tiana got it right away. A few more kids followed. By the end of class everyone had been able to get it at least half changed. Everyone but me.

"Maybe next time deary." Professor suggested.

The rest of the day didn't go as planned either.

In Divinitation, when we tried to read each others tea leaves, my partner said that mine was a blob and I couldn't tell what hers was.

In Astronomy, Professor Zeus said he had never seen anyone who didn't know a single star before. Then he met me.

In Charms, the feather we were supposed to make float, instead just sat on the desk doing nothing.

In Herbology, my plant got up and ran away from me.

In Care of Magical Creatures, the animals were scared of me.

The only class I aced was Muggle Studies. That's because I'm pretty sure I was just a Muggle.

I slowly walked into potions, dragging my feet.

"Cheer up, Anna. Maybe you'll like potions." Tiana suggested.

"Yeah, right. I'm the worst witch in the history of witches." I said with tears nearing my eyes.

"Hey, we haven't had History of Magic yet. There is probably someone way worse." she said with a smile.

"Hello, children. Welcome to Potions class. I am Professor Yzma. This is my assistant, Mr. Kronk." said a slender woman with very ghastly looking robes. "Today, Hufflepuffs, we are pleased to have the Slytherin joining us." she gestured her hands to the door and a group of kids came in. My eyes widened when I saw Elsa.

"No, No, No! I can't screw up in front of Elsa. I'll totally embarrass her." I whispered quietly to Tiana.

"OK, can anyone name the uses for, let's say, polyjuice potion?" She asked leisurely.

No one raised their hands.

"Well, then I guess I'll skip getting to know what you know, and skip right to making potions." she said with a nasty grin.

She rambled off a potion and what it does, something about night vision, and wrote directions on the board.

We went straight to work. We began to gather ingredients. I chopped and mashed some and so did Tiana. We began to add things to the cauldron, which was my down fall. As soon as my last ingredient hit the pot it exploded in flame, setting my hair on fire.  I ran around the room screaming when a blast of something cold hit my head and everything went black.

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