Chapter 10: Questions in my Mind

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Kristoff's POV

I entered the hospital wing for my annual visit to see Anna. I was shocked to see our Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher standing over another student. I walked over to Professor Sandman to see what he was doing. He was sprinkling a golden sand over a boy. I recognized my best friend.

"Hiccup!" I said surprised.

Professor Sandman looked over at me and smiled. A couple of images shined above his head. It might have seemed strange but I understood somehow.

"What do you mean 'nightmare coma?'" I asked.

"An old enemy is back. He specializes in this kind of magic."

I turned to see Professor North. "He has already gotten two of our students." he gestured to the next bed and lying there was a girl with a mop of curly red hair.

"Merida." I gasped. She always seemed so strong and brave. I wouldn't expect her to be attacked. "Who is this old enemy?"

"He is called Pitch Black. He was once a professor here. There was some dark magic amidst the edge of the Forbidden Forest and he went to quiet it. It attacked him and took over his body. We tried to reason with him, but the dark magic took him too far. His love for this school and teaching young wizards turned into anger and hate. He tried to destroy the school. We were sure we had destroyed him, but I guess you cannot destroy nightmares." The headmaster told me.

"Why are you telling me?" I asked.

"I am trying to inform students. At dinner tonight there will be an announcement about it." he said solemnly. "Your friends will be all right. They are just trapped in a nightmare. Just pray they do not lose their sanity."


Hiccup's POV

I had been hiding for a couple of hours. I can't believe that this happened. I could hear all the screams. They were all dying. It was my fault.


A voice said my name. I looked up to see my father.

"Dad!" I said trying to run to him. He slapped me.

"You trained the dragons to do this didn't you! How dare you try to approach me!" he yelled.

I held my face where he had slapped me. "Dad, I didn't..."


I felt tears streaming down my face. My dad grabbed me and threw me out of my hiding spot and into the open.

"Here's your master, you bloody beasts!" my dad yelled.

As if on cue, a group of dragons touched down and surrounded me. They had blood staining there claws and teeth. I shuddered. Then Toothless touched down in front of me.

"Toothless!" I said relieved. I reached out my hand to touch him, but he snapped at me and tried to bite my hand off. "Toothless?"

There was a feral look in his eyes. He started to advance towards me. The other dragons did too. I tried to run but I fell and my foot was caught in a tree root.

Wait, what?

I looked back at my feet again. Instead of having a piece of metal on my foot, I had an actual foot. That couldn't have happened. I suddenly remembered Hogwarts and the black sand. This was just a nightmare!

I suddenly sat straight up breathing heavily. I looked around. I was in the Hospital Wing in Hogwarts. I lifted back the sheet to see I had a familiar hunk of metal where my foot should be. I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hiccup?" said a voice. I looked over at the bed next to me. It was Anna sitting up in her bed.

"Anna! You're awake!" I yelled.

"I should be celebrating that you're awake. I've been awake for the past couple days. You've been out for two weeks."


Elsa's POV

"What do you mean, don't trust him?" I asked.

"I just can't tell. Just don't trust Hans, OK? He's bad news." Rapunzel said softly.

"What has gotten into you? First Jack, now you?" I complained. "Hans is the sweetest, kindest guy I know. Why can't you except I really like him?"

"I-I just... I can't tell you. Or else I might be in trouble." Rapunzel said sadly.

"Ugh! I can't believe you!" I yelled at her. I stormed off. No, I literally stormed off. It was starting to snow around me.

I walked back to the commons. I went right up to my dormitory. I couldn't believe why people were telling me to stay away from Hans. Just as I was beginning to ponder the question, Esmeralda came running in.

"Elsa, its Hiccup. He woke up."


Anna's POV

I sat and listened as Hiccup told me everything. His nightmare, his realization, even what he heard from Hans.

"The only one who's been getting close to Hans is... ELSA!" I screamed. "What does he want from her? We need to tell Elsa now!"

Just then Hans appeared out of the corner. "You won't be telling Elsa anything. Or anyone, for that matter." he said with a scowl. "This will be our little secret. If you do tell anyone, you will be in a nightmare coma for the rest of your pathetic life."

A man appeared from behind Hans. "Your threatening is coming along, Hans."

"Who are you?" Anna asked.

"Well, to be perfectly honest, your worst nightmare. And Hans is quite literal with those threats. I will make sure none of you say a word. A single peep, and you will never see happiness again." the dark man said.

I gulped. I then heard footsteps. I glanced towards the door, then back to Hans and the dark man. They were gone. Elsa came rushing through the doors.

"Oh my goodness! Hiccup you're awake!" she ran over and hugged him. Jack came trailing in after Elsa. Elsa kept going on about everything Hiccup had missed. I remained silent the entire time. I knew if I tried to talk, I would give away what we were just told. Nothing this year was turning out as I expected it to.

Authors Note

Ahhhhhh!!! 2,000 views!!! you guys are the freaking best!!!!!!! I hope you like the chapter. Its getting good. Most of the time, I forget I'm even writing it and I write something and I scare myself and say Omg! I can't believe that happened! then I remember that I wrote it. so yeah, just random thought of the day there. well Hey, I want to give a shout out to some of my original readers. brylinc, marsypig, theautumnsky, love you guys!!! Don't forget to check out my other story! its called Guardian Angel.

signing out,

Forever Faith

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