Chapter 4: Sorting in the Great Hall

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Professor N stepped forward towards the doors of the Great Hall and they automatically opened for her into a giant room filled with four giant tables with kids sitting chatting quietly. She walked down the main aisle towards a large table facing us. We quietly followed almost to nervous to talk.

She stopped at a stool with a worn out old hat sitting on it. "When I call your name step up here and sit on the stool. Once your house has been decided go sit with the rest of your house. Fa Mulan."

Mulan quickly stepped up to the stool and sat. Professor N placed the beaten old hat on her head. The hat suddenly came to life.

"Hmm. Much bravery, but lots of loyalty and smarts. Difficult. It should be GRYFINDOR!" the hat yelled.


The ginger boy I saw at the train station slowly walked up.

"Lots of courage, loyalty, and kindness." the talking hat murmured. "must be a HUFFLEPUFF!"

"Merida Dunbroch"

She strode confidently up to the stool and sat. The hat could barely fit on her head because of her curls.


Merida happily hopped off the stool and ran to sit with the Gryfindors.

"Hiccup Haddock"

A lanky boy hobbled over to the stool. I couldn't help but notice his leg. He had a bent piece of metal where his foot should be. He sat on the stool and waved at Merida sitting at the Gryfindor table.


"Jack Frost."

The boy from the train station walked up to the stool like he was some big deal. He saw me starring and smirked. I heard some girls from the front squeal. What a show-off. The hat had barely touched his head when it screamed "SLYTHERIN!"

He slid off the stool and strutted over to the Slytherin table. Of course not before winking at me, which made the girls in front squeal. Again.

"Anna of Arendelle."

Anna happily skipped up and sat. Professor N sat the hat on her head. For a few moments, nothing happened.


She skipped right over to the table of Hufflepuffs.


Rapunzel cautiously approached the stool as if were about to attack. A boy from Slytherin yelled, "It's not gonna bite!" which got a round of laughter, but it pushed onto it. She shook as the hat was placed on her head.


The hat's response seemed to surprise everyone. Even Rapunzel.  She slowly, but more confidently, walked to the Ravenclaw table.

"Elsa of Arendelle."

I was shocked to hear my own name. I walked through the crowd from the back and slowly sat down.

Control it. Control it. Don't freeze the hat. Freezing hats aren't good.

I felt the weight of the hat on my head.

"Mmm. Difficult. Very difficult. Courage. Kindness. Knowledge. Rebellion. You have all the traits, but where to put you."

I was shaking from not trying to freeze the hat. I was so nervous.

"Better be, SLYTHERIN!" the hat yelled.

I blinked in surprise. I never guessed I'd be in Slytherin.

They finished off with all the first years. Professor N picked up the stool and hat and walked to the side. Behind her stood a big, tall man. He wore a red robe and had a white beard.

"Welcome. I am your headmaster, for those who don't know me, Professor North. I am here to go over a few guide lines. One, no one is allowed in the Forbidden Forest unless with an teacher. Two, there is no wandering the halls at night. Three, no brooms first years. We had to confiscate three brooms tonight. That should be all. Let the feast begin!"

Suddenly the table was filled with treats beyond what I see at the palace. Whenever some one took something it seemed the plate refilled itself. After our main course, the plates changed from dinner to desert! I knew as soon as I saw the chocolate, I was going to like this place.


We slowly were lead down into a dark hallway next to a wall.

"Chocolate Frogs"

The wall suddenly opened revealing a luxurious commons.

"Boys are on the left, Girls on the right." a prefect stated flatly. "No boys in the girls, vice versa."

I began to walk towards the girls dormitory, when someone caught my wrist. I turned to see the white haired boy, Jack Frost. I used my other hand to blast some ice at him, but he immediately countered it. He let a single snowflake appear in his hand. He swirled it around his fingers then let it blow onto my nose.

"You're not the only one who doesn't mind the cold." he said straight faced. "Meet me here tonight when everyone's asleep."

He released my wrist and turned on his heel and sped off towards his dormitory and left me standing wondering what just happened.

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