Chapter 11: Seeking Truth in Darkness

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Merida's POV.

I cried and cried as the fire raged on. Why wouldn't this stupid fire burn me to a crisp? Why did it leave me to feel this hurt? I then heard the sound of wood snapping. I looked and saw a giant bear rise up from the flames.

"Mordu," I breathed. 

It saw me and growled. I screamed and ran. I frantically searched the edges of my vision for a weapon. I saw a chunk of wood that was partially on fire. I grabbed it and swung it near the bears face. I then felt a wave of heat from my makeshift weapon and dropped it and looked down at my burned hands. I stumbled backwards and fell over a brick. I watched as the bear came closer and closer. I heard a neigh in the distance. I knew at once that was my horse, Angus. I jumped up and ran over to Angus. He seemed perfectly calm even in the midst of this fire. I jumped on his back and we took off. The bear could no longer keep up. As I was riding away, I noticed the farther I got from the castle the more repaired it seemed. I was almost to the woods when I heard the unmistakable giggle of my mischievous little brothers. I looked to see that they were riding behind me. That couldn't have been so. I saw their bodies.

Wait. That means this is nothing but a dream.

I bolted awake in an unfamiliar bed. Someone was holding my hand. I looked to see it was Professor Sandman. He looked stressed, but once he saw my open eyes he smiled. A picture of a horse and a question mark appeared. I heard a squeal and saw Anna running to my bed. She suddenly stopped and grabbed her head, and Professor Sandman floated over to steady her. They both came over to my bed slowly.

"Anna, you're awake! I can't believe you're awake! Wait! We have to get the headmaster. I have to tell him about Hiccup and the dark man." I said frantically.

"Merida, relax. If you talk fast I can barely understand your accent." she said calmly. "Hiccup's fine and the headmaster knows. You're lucky we have Professor, here. He used some special sand to go and see your nightmares, and he sent your horse to save you."

They explained everything to me. Anna told me to get some rest. Professor Sandman took that as his cue to leave. I settled down into the covers. Then a wad of paper hit me in the back of the head. I turned to see if Anna threw it. She already had her back turned. I took the paper and opened it and read it. I couldn't believe what I was reading.


Anna's POV.

I had finally been allowed to leave the hospital wing. I was so happy to be back in the routine, but I had so much homework. Everyone was also ahead of me in classes. Except for Merida and Hiccup. They are behind just as much as I am. I was on my way to Muggle Studies when I saw Hans standing at the end of the hall. I started to turn around but he called out to me.

"Anna! Wait," he said running up to me.

"What do you want?" I huffed at him.

He giggled. "No need to be all angry. I'm just doing what I am for the best. You wouldn't understand."

"Haven't you done enough. Just go away." I said angrily. He leaned in and backed me against a wall.

"Oh, come on. Why would I do that? I mean if I stay I get a pretty nice view."

"Ugh! You're so..." I began.

"Charming? Irresistible?" he leaned in closer to my face. "Come on, Anna. Elsa won't know anything about us." He then kissed me. ON THE MOUTH! I was to stunned to do anything. I heard a sudden gasp from the end of the corridor. Hans quit missing me and we both looked. It was Elsa, with her hand covering her mouth, tears in her eyes, and frost forming around her feet. I broke out of Hans grip.

"Elsa!" I managed.

"No, Anna. Now I know why everyone told me to stay away from Hans. But I can't believe you Anna. My own sister." I saw tears stream down her face.

"Elsa, no. It was..." I tried to speak.

"I don't want to hear it." she snapped suddenly. She turned and ran down the hall with snow and frost trailing behind her. I turned to Hans. He was staring shocked at what had just happened.

"ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!? BECAUSE OF YOU, MY SISTER NOW HATES ME. I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHATEVER YOU MIGHT DO, BUT YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A LOW DOWN, DIRTY, TWO TIMING, JERK WHO DESERVES TO BE THROWN IN ASKABAN!" I screamed. I saw a crowd was gathering.  I threw up my hands in frustration and stormed off to the Hufflepuff dormitory. I jumped on my bed and cried. Why did this have to happen?


Elsa's POV.

I was in the Slytherin girl's dormitory crying my eyes out. My sister and my boyfriend. I felt like a fool. I was so stupid. A girl tried to walk in the dormitory but I threw up a wall of ice and pushed her out. I then made a hut surrounding my bed out of ice. I didn't want anyone to see me cry. I didn't want people to think I was a weak little princess. My sadness suddenly turned to anger. I will show them. I'll show then all. I walked out of the Slytherin dormitory with my eyes still puffy and red. I walked to the darkest corridor and hoped the person I was looking for was here.

"Pitch Black? I don't know if you're hear but I want to join your side. I want to get rid of it all. The school, the students, everything." I said shakely.

A man in dark robes and golden eyes stepped out from the shadows.

"You want to join me? Why, my dear, this is some great news. If you want to serve my cause. Then tonight meet me at the Grand Staircase. Midnight sharp."

He disappeared as soon as he had come. I then heard a tiny voice whisper in my head, What have I gotten myself into?

Authors note.

Omg you guys!!!! I'm almost to 3,000 views!!!! Ahhhhhh!!! I hope you like the chapter. And don't give me any sassing about what I wrote about. All of this is for a reason. Just wait. *evil laughter*

signing out,

Forever Faith

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