Chapter 1

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Monday's. Always hated them. Matter of fact, I think everybody hated them. But today seemed especially worse since it was pouring outside, making the roads wet and icy. Icy, due to the coldness that was coming in.

Michigan always seemed to be like that, though. Cold. Not rainy, really. We did get some rain but it was just for a short while. It never rained more than a day or two.

Suddenly, a deep voice that I immediately recognized snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Charley! You almost ready?"

It was my dad, yelling at me from downstairs. I was getting too caught up in my thoughts and I needed to focus on getting ready for another day at school today.

"Yeah dad, be down in a sec!" I quickly yelled back, shoving the remainder of my school books into my backpack. I quickly slipped on my sky blue vans, grabbed my bag, and rushed downstairs.

As I stepped into the kitchen to grab something quick to take with me as my on-the-go breakfast while I drive, I noticed my dad smirking at me and leaning back against the counter, arms crossed.

"What?" I asked him, opening up the pantry doors.

He chuckled. "Nothing."

"Nothing?... Why're you smiling?"

"No reason."

I laughed a little. "Come on dad. What is it? Do I look bad or something?" I ushered towards my outfit, my hands skimming over my blue plaid shirt.

He chuckled again. "No, no. You look great. It's the amount of time it took you to look great that I'm amused by." He pushed himself off the counter and headed towards the fridge.

I rolled my eyes and smiled. "Well you should be used to it by now. Girls take longer than men, you know."

"Yeah, still figuring that out."

I looked at him playfully and he gave me a small wink, making me giggle a little.

I then turned my attention back to the pantry and, after some lazy thinking, decided on a simple cereal bar. I wasn't really that hungry and lunch always seemed to come quickly anyways.

I closed the pantry doors and turned around on my heels. "Well, I'll see you later dad." I sighed, walking over and giving him a goodbye hug.

He hugged back tightly. "See ya, Charley."

We both parted our ways and I quickly headed out the door to my small black Ford Fiesta, not wanting to be caught in the rain.

I arrived at school in mere minutes. That really surprised me since I drove extra slow today, due to the rapid pour of the rain.

I turned into the parking lot and drove around aimlessly until I finally found a parking space in the back next to my friend Casey's car.

Smiling, I pulled into the parking space as Casey stepped out of her car and happily approached my vehicle.

"Hi!" She squealed, waving at me through my wet, tinted window.

I laughed and grabbed my bag, stepping out of my car and closing the door behind me. "Hey Casey."

"How are you today?"

"I'm good, actually. How are you?" I locked my car, causing it to beep loudly, as we strolled to the front doors of Chester High.

"I'm doing absolutely great!" Casey was always the type of person who was happy no matter what. She rarely ever got mad, and when she did.... well, it wasn't very pretty.

"Good." I concluded in a monotone as we approached the front doors. We stepped inside and my mouth immediately dropped, causing both me and Casey to stop dead in out tracks.

About ten feet in front of us a huge crowd had gathered around the front office.

For what reason, though?

"Well this is... odd." Casey muttered.

I quickly nodded my head as we both started slowly walking over to the loud and pushy students who were shoved up against the glass doors.

"Students, listen up!" I heard Mary, the attendant at the front office, yell over the loud commotion.

At once the crowd got quiet, which made my suspicion grow even more.

High schoolers? Quieting down after being told only once? Especially at this high school? Not a chance.

But apparently, this case was different.

Mary continued.

"Now I know you all are interested in seeing this new student, but I'm going to have to ask you to go to home room and wait until I ask someone to bring him to class in order to see him."

New student? What?

And... him?

"Ms. Mary, who's gonna get to bring him to class?" A whiny girl voice asked.

Mary put one hand up that rested against the glass. "Now, now. I will announce who will get to bring him to class over the intercom right before first period. But for right now, you need to worry about getting to class. So everyone disperse!" And at that there were silent whispers heard as everyone dispersed, just like Mary had ordered.

"I wonder what that was all about?" Casey asked me a few minutes later as we were putting our bags in our lockers before home room.

"Yeah, I don't know."

"I mean I heard the new student part, but why are we getting a new student? We never get new students."

"Yeah, it's very weird."

"I wonder what he looks like." Casey bit her lip and smiled, making me roll my eyes.

But deep in the back of my mind I couldn't help but wonder what this new boy looked like, either.

Was he tall? Short? Skinny?


I quickly shook my head of the ridiculous thoughts in my head, and shut my locker door.

"Well, I guess I'll see you in third period then, Casey." I softly whispered, smiling up at her.

She turned and faced me, her face bright. "Okay! Bye, Charley!"

I waved and turned around, heading to my home room class with the only thought in my head being the mysterious new boy.

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