Chapter 4

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"Who was that in line behind you?" Fletcher immediately asked me when I arrived back at our table.

I sighed and took my seat. "That.. was Harry."

"Harry?! That tall, scary looking guy with the mop of curls.. Was Harry?! The new boy?!"

I nodded and took a bite of my sandwich.

Fletcher's mouth dropped open as he sat back in his seat, completely shocked. "Wow."

"He's totally hot." Casey chimed in, and I rolled my eyes.

"Hot? No." Fletcher laughed and shook his head. "Scary? Definitely."

"Why do you think he's so scary?" I asked Fletcher, my curiosity getting the best of me.

He shrugged. "I don't know. There's just something about him, after looking at him, that didn't feel right to me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, Charley, he isn't normal. That's for sure. I can easily tell he's something else. Something different.."

This time, I laughed. "Oh Fletcher, you don't know what you're talking about. Harry's completely normal. He just may be a little different than the rest of us here, that's all."

"A little different?"

I hesitated for a moment. "Well, maybe a little more than a little."

Fletcher and I both laughed as I finished up my sandwich and started on my chips.

"By the way Charley, where did he leave to so suddenly?" Casey looked up at me from her meal after a few peaceful moments of silence.

I immediately stopped chewing my chips and looked down at the floor, deciding whether or not to tell them about the eyes thing.

But of course they are my best friends, so I'll tell them.


"I have no idea where he went." That was a good way to start it.

"Well did you say something that made him mad?" Fletcher asked.

I shook my head. "I don't think so."

Casey's eyebrows crossed together. "Well then why would he just leave so suddenly like that?"

I took a deep breath. "I think he was being... cautious."

Both of their heads tilted to the side in utter confusion.

"Cautious?" Fletcher probably was the most confused. I could tell by his voice.

I nodded. "Yeah. We were talking about this morning. He was apologizing about how rude he was to me, and I sort of agreed that he was rude.. and then-"

"Wait wait wait," Fletcher interrupted. "He apologized to you for being rude, and you simply agreed that he was being rude? Not even forgiving him?"

My mouth dropped open as I looked up at him. He was right, I should've forgiven him at least.

"Anyways, continue."

I cleared my throat. "And so after that he got extremely mad and.. something happened with his eyes.."

"What happened?" Casey asked, leaning in as close as the table would allow her without getting any food on her clothes.

I squinted my eyes trying to recall the weirdness of that moment. "They turned black when he got angry.. Black from his original green color.. and then they switched back to green when he saw me cringe, almost as if he was returning to himself again."

I then curiously looked up at Casey and Fletcher, seeking for their reaction.

They both looked absolutely puzzled. Casey was staring off into space, probably still trying to figure out the confusing words that were just thrown at her.

And Fletcher... well, he was just playing the cool card about it.

"Charley... what the heck are you talking about? That's impossible." He took a sip of his water.

I shrugged. "I don't know. It was all very weird. And then when I asked him about it.. that's when he suddenly left."

"I'm telling you, he isn't normal!" Fletcher laughed, and I couldn't help a small smile.

Suddenly the bell rang, signaling lunch was over and sixth period was about to start.

I immediately got up and grabbed my empty plate. "Well I guess I'll see you guys later. Don't wanna be late for Ms. Fisher's class." Ms. Fisher was my science teacher. She was extremely strict, and getting on her bad side could mean getting expelled; or some other extreme punishment.

Fletcher nodded and stood up as well, helping a still confused Casey to her feet. "Okay. I'm gonna walk Casey to her class; I think she's still a bit confused." He laughed, giving her a small glance.

I brushed some hair behind my ear. "Sounds good. See ya." And we all parted ways.

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