Chapter 10

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'I just wanted to say a hugeeee thank you for 100+ reads, that really means a lot to me :) soooo thanks haha!'


Chapter 10

"HARRY!" I screamed, yanking open my door and running towards the front of the car to him.

I was absolutely shocked that I had just hit him with my car. Like what the hell Charley?

But yet, it was half his fault too. He did walk into the middle of the street without looking both ways first.

When I got over to him, I could see him lying on his side on the ground, his left hand covering his face and his right hand underneath himself.

Was he even alive?

"Oh my gosh." I barely whispered. I knelt down beside his head and gently brushed some hair away from his face.

I immediately noticed his low body temperature by touching him, but it didn't bother me for some reason.

Even though I knew it should have since he was abnormally cold.

Yet, I do like freezing temperatures.

His eyes were shut and his mouth was wide open. Yet, he was still absolutely beautiful.

What the hell am I saying. I just hit him with my car and now I'm calling him beautiful.

Suddenly he gasped, making my eyes go wide.


His eyes slowly opened and he groaned, turning his head towards me.


A big smile spread across my face and tears started pooling out of my eyes as I hugged him tightly, thankful that he was alive.

"Oh, Harry! I'm so so sorry I hit you! I guess I wasn't paying attention.. well, I got distracted by something, but-"

"Charley, whoa. Slow down. What even happened?" He was struggling to speak to me, which killed me inside.

I sighed. "I hit you with my car."

His eyes tried to open wider, but when they did, he winced and went back to squinting at me. "And here I thought we were becoming friends, geez." He said, smirking a little.

I laughed slightly, covering my mouth with my hand. That made him smile even wider, making him wince yet again.

"Come on Harry, let me take you to my house and make sure you're okay." I stood up and helped him to his feet, which was quite easy to my surprise.

He was limping a little as I led him to the passenger seat, but he never fell as one of his arms was securely around my shoulders.

I opened the passenger door and gently lowered him down onto the seat. "There."

"Thank you." He looked me in the eyes and smiled that lovely smile again.

I blushed and shut his door. Then I ran around to the driver's seat and got in.

I started the engine and we were off to my house in less than a second.

But my mind was still wondering about how he was actually alive, conscious, and talking normally after I had just hit him with my car.


"Home sweet home." I smiled to myself as I pulled into my driveway.

I parked and cut the engine off, turning to Harry. "Now, let's get you inside so you can-"

"Charley!" I heard my dad run out of the front door of the house.

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