Chapter 21

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(A/N) SO SOOO SORRY I HAVEN'T BEEN UPDATING REGULARLY! it's just that I've been really busy with a bunch of crap aaand haven't had time to even THINK about what's happening next in the story BUT NOW I PROMISE THAT I WILL FORSURE UPDATE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SINCE I WON'T BE AS BUSY ANYMORE:D LOVE YOU ALL AND THANKS FOR ALL THE READS AND VOTES, YOU GUYS ROCK:):)



"I WHAT?!" I screamed, standing up from the couch in anger.

Niall just sat there and stared at me, moving his head up slightly to look at me as I got up. "You have to-"

"She's staying human. Never will she become a fucking ghost, no, never!" I interrupted him, furious now.

But he didn't look the least bit scared or threatened by my harsh tone. "Harry, I never said you had to go with that option. You can always choose the other one."

"And bring her to my father's house while me and Gems kill him, risking not only our lives but hers?! No thank you!!" I threw my hands up in the air to make what I was saying to him more dramatic.

He sighed heavily. "Well I'm sorry, Harry, but I don't know what else to tell you."

I put my fist up to my mouth and bit down hard, trying to hold back my tears, as I paced frantically around the room. There had to be another way. I would not change her into a ghost, as I want her to live her human life happy and free. But on the other hand, there was no way in hell I was going to bring her to my father's house and risk her life there while me and Gems worked on killing him.

"Have you decided yet?" Niall gently asked me, placing a cold hand on my shoulder in which I shivered to. I hadn't noticed that he had gotten up and was right behind me now.

I looked at him and shook my head. "I don't think I'll be ready to decide for a while."

Niall took in a sharp breath and crossed his eyebrows.

"What- What is it?" I urgently asked him, confused at his sudden mood change.

He sighed. "I'm. . . afraid you don't have much time, Harry."

"Don't have much time for what?!" I was getting very worried now.

Niall bit his lip a little before he spoke again. "To make a decision for Charley. Your father is coming now."



My head was swimming with a million different things right now, and I didn't know which end was up.

But I did have one thing stuck on my mind. . .

Zayn and Coon had been the bad guys all along? Well, at least working for the bad guy? But they both seemed so nice that first day they came to school. Yes, it was completely unexpected and out of the ordinary for them to be showing up for the first time when the year's almost over, but I still never would've suspected anything.

"Charley?" Gems waved a hand in front of my face and I blinked twice, turning my attention to her.


"Did you hear what I just said?"

I gulped a little. "Yes, b-but what do you mean they're here?"

Gems face turned slightly pale and she now stared through me, instead of at me. "I can feel their presence. Here at the cottage."

My jaw dropped and a hand quickly covered my mouth as watery tears threatened to stream down my face at any given second now.

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