Chapter 5

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"Class will start in five minutes everybody." Ms. Fisher announced in her usual, high-pitched muffled voice. I casually walked over to my usual spot; the seat farthest to the right in the very front row. People thought that the front suited me, because I always got good grades and everyone liked to consider me as one of the 'goody goody's' here at Chester High.

But that's definitely not the reason I sit in the front of the classroom. I could honestly care less about what anyone thinks of me.

Except for Harry. For some odd reason.

I sat down and immediately started organizing all my science items. The textbook at the bottom, followed by my science folder and notebook with all my notes on top.

I smiled to myself when I was all finished. I really loved how I loved to have everything in order. That trait definitely came from my mother.

My mother.

Tears began to well up in my eyes as I leaned back against my chair. I've tried to forget about her for so long now; but I just can't. The last memory I have of her was her beautiful mouth dropping open, blood pooling out of it as she sank lifelessly to the cold, tile ground. We still don't know who or what killed her, just that she was cooking dinner one night and she suddenly became bloody and dropped on the floor dead.

But that day, right after we saw her pass away, I could swear I saw a glimpse of a white figure exiting the house through the open window my mom had opened in the kitchen. Almost like a ghostly figure. Of course, everyone thought I was crazy for saying that, but I still hold my case to this day.

"Okay everyone, take your seats! Your five minutes is up!" Ms. Fisher interrupted my disturbed thoughts. I quickly wiped away the wetness from my eyes and sat up in my chair, readying myself for a full hour of twelfth grade science.

As everyone sat down in their seats, however, I noticed one empty desk right beside me.

Oh no. This can't mean..

"Where's our new student today?" Ms. Fisher eyed the empty chair with raised eyebrows and puckered lips.

I groaned quietly and cursed silently to myself. Even though Harry had been nice to me at lunch, I still didn't want anything to do with him. There was still something about him that just didn't sit right with me.

"Charley would know. She was the last person who was with him, flirting in the lunch line!" An annoying boy said from the back row. Which is usual, because back row students weren't that nice at all.

My eyes suddenly got wide. I couldn't tell anyone about the eyes thing. They would think I was more crazy than what I 'already' am.

"Charley?" Ms. Fisher walked over to my desk, staring me right in the eyes. "Do you know where our new student is?"

I nervously looked up at her and shook my head after a long pause.

She studied my face for a brief moment before speaking. "Alright. Then you don't know. Let's get on with class the-"

"So sorry I'm late." The door suddenly swung open and Harry walked in, all his books grasped in one of his large hands.

What? Am I really seeing this?

But I thought he left?

And where did he go to? He didn't even come back to the lunchroom. Why would he decide to come to class then?

"Are you our new student?" Ms. Fisher observed Harry as he closed the door behind him.

"Well yeah I'm new here. I've never seen you before and you've never seen me." He spit back in a rather harsh tone, meeting her eyes.

Ms. Fisher cleared her throat. "What's your name, son?"


"Well, Harry, I will not have that kind of tone in my classroom. But since you are new, I will let it slide by just this one time. Am I clear?"

A small smirk creeped up on Harry's face as he nodded. I could tell he didn't give a crap about any of the rules.

"Good. Now take a seat so I can begin teaching." Ms. Fisher nodded her head towards the empty seat next to me, and my stomach flipped.

I quickly turned my head away from Harry, but still kept watch of him out of the corner of my eyes, just so it wouldn't be too noticeable that I was staring at him.

Harry looked directly at me and I gulped hard. I prayed that he wouldn't make any sort of scene.

Which, even if he did, he would lose the fight since it was him that walked off on me in the first place.

He began to walk over to the empty desk and I held my breath. One wrong move and everything could tumble downhill.

Once at the desk, he stopped and turned directly to me.

"Hello Charley."

I slowly looked up at him, silently exhaling the breath I took along with a few curse words. He was smirking down at me, his dimple clearly showing.

"Well aren't you gonna say hello to me?"

He sank down into his seat and scooted his desk so close to mine that the wood from his desk was literally overlapping the wood on my desk.

What the hell?

I must be missing something.

However, I decided to ignore Harry, focusing on the words Ms. Fisher was writing on the board. It seemed to be some sort of chemical equation, so I got out my science notebook in order to take notes.

Harry seemed to quickly notice my attention being diverted to the chalk board. Which he wasn't too happy about. "Hey. Talk to me." He urged, nudging my arm a little.

I inhaled a sharp breath as I started writing down the chemical equations from the board, also trying to determine all of the confusing things Ms. Fisher was trying to teach us.

I heard Harry groan a little. "Charley."

"What, Harry?" I whispered back annoyed, glancing at him.

His eyes sparkled and his lips formed a small smile. "Hey."

"What is wrong with you?" I kept my eyes on my notebook, trying to act like I was paying attention to my notes; which I'm obviously not.

"Excuse me?" He was slowly losing his patience, I could tell. So I didn't want to push him for fear of him lashing out in the middle of class.

"Why did you suddenly leave while we were in the lunch line?" I couldn't help but look up at him, since I decided to go straight to the point.

He puckered his lips playfully and glanced up at the ceiling. "Now that I can't tell you."

"Why not? Are you doing something illegal?" I blurted out before I could even think.

He chuckled slightly, making the butterflies in my stomach go wild. "No no, nothing like that."

"Then what is it?"

He stared at me with those beautiful green eyes, his playful smirk getting wider. "Let me get to know you first before we start telling each other secrets."

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