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Emily's POV

"So you'll do it" I ask almost a little too excitedly.

"Yay!! Oh my goodness! Thank you so much" I add after receiving confirmation.

Now that's all settled. Everything is coming together quite nicely and I couldn't be happier. It's been 5 weeks since I purchased Alison's engagement ring. I figured that it would be safer in a safety deposit box instead of somewhere around the apartment for Alison to stumble upon. But I'm going to need to withdraw it soon because in three days, I'm going to propose to Alison.

Overall, I would say that the proposal is nothing over the top or extravagant. It's simple and meaningful. I know that's how she would prefer it. However, I have a few surprises up my sleeve for her and I hope she loves it. More importantly, I hope she'll say yes. She just has to say yes. I can't picture my life without her. Alison needs to be my wife.

It's the night before I propose to Alison and I'm a nervous wreck. I've been trying to think about what I want to say to her when I propose and everytime I try and plan it out, the words just seem to fall short. It's not perfect and I can't accept anything less than perfection. Maybe I'll just know it in the moment. Maybe speaking from the heart will be the best way to express just how much she means to me.

Alison has been in the bathroom for almost an hour with the door closed. I've heard her take a shower, blow-dry her hair, and sing along to a wide array of songs. What the hell is she doing in there?

Finally, the door opens and out walks Alison in a black, shimmery pair of pants, high heels, a deep, v-neck, navy green top, and a leather jacket with her hair curled to perfection and natural makeup on as usual.

"Damn baby where are you going dressed like that" I ask feeling myself heat up at the sight of her.

"Remember? Grace, Lisa, Ryan, and I are going out to celebrate Ryan's new promotion" she replies nonchalantly as she slips on a pair of gold, dangling earrings.

"Oh that's right! I'm sorry. I forgot about that" I reply still checking her out. Boy I really must be stressing about this proposal because I forgot all about her night out with her nurse friends. She has talked about it for a week now. I love how excited she gets for the success of others. Her humility is one of the things I love the most about her.

"It shouldn't be too late of a night. I promise to be as quiet as possible when I come home" she says smiling before she plants a tender kiss on my lips.

"Ali, stay out as late as you want. Y'all deserve a fun night out. You know me, I probably won't even hear you come in" I chuckle.

"Alright my love. I'll be back. I love you lots" she replies before blowing me a kiss from the bedroom doorway and heading out for a night on the town.

Alison's POV

Stepping out of the cab, I make my way around a dark corner and onto a desolate street. I must admit, even after all of this time in New York, I still feel unsafe while walking the streets alone at night. I'm always careful to listen for footsteps behind me and I always watch my surroundings. One can never be too cautious.

Finally arriving at my destination, I climb a few flight of stairs and knock at the familiar door on the 3rd floor. Moments later the door opens.

"Hey you. I know it's kind of late but I had to see you" I say with a huge smile as I step through the doorway.

Taking off my jacket, I continue, "Let's make this quick".

Emily's POV

The peaceful sound of ocean waves crashing on the shore stir me from my slumber. I mindlessly cancel my alarm and turn myself to face the other side of the bed towards Alison.

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