Chapter 3

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When the front door opened I took that as my chance to run. I made it past the door and past the group of men that just stared at me. I knew that Shayne was running after me and I also heard him shout to the men not to let me get away.

The guys kept coming at me and I continued to doge them. It was easier because they were trying to stop me without touching me. Before I could reach the trees I felt arms wrap around me and someone growling in my ear. I felt the small twist in my stomach when I placed my hands over his arms.

"You're hurting me!" I lied.

I was immediately put down on my feet but Shayne still had a hold on my upper arm. Shayne was looking at me disapprovingly and my wolf was whimpering. She didn't like the fact that I was trying to run away and she didn't want him being unhappy with us.

"Don't make me lose the bit of patience I have with you-" He paused for a moment and looked at me with a blank expression.

"Her name is Sage." Alex spoke. "Chase has her bag."

I looked around and saw one of the guys that had dragged me here holding up my bag. His wavy locks fell just shy over his eyes and he jerked his head to move them out of view. I wanted to hurt him in some way for going through my personal belongings. I didn't have much, but I still didn't like his prying.

"You went through my bag?! I have personal things in there" I seethed.

I felt Shayne tighten his hold on me and I turned my attention back to him. His eyes were darker than usual and he looked beyond angry. Maybe yelling at his friend wasn't the greatest idea.

"I just pulled out her wallet." Chase quickly said.

"Who gave you the right to do that?" I snapped.

"I did." Shayne said. "I gave the orders to find out who you were."

"I have personal things in there. Why would you let him go through my things?"

"You're already in a lot of trouble and right now you're really pushing it." Shayne warned. "I don't like your tone."

I stood still and let Shayne drag me back inside of his house. Alex and Chase were both behind us as we entered the house. We walked down the halls in silence and then we entered an office. The walls of the office were a medium red that complimented to wooden furniture. There were about three bookshelves filled with books and picture frames.

"Sit." He ordered.

I sat down in one of the brownish red chairs. I crossed my arms over my chest and I bet it was clear on my face that I was unpleased. I noticed that Chase and Alex had entered the room with us. They kept their distance by were still close enough to make sure I didn't try to make mother run for the door.

"You will not be running away." Shayne said, trying to use his Alpha command on me.

"Whatever." I said.

For some reason his tone didn't work on me and I wasn't going to bow in submission. He might be an Alpha but he wasn't my Alpha. I didn't belong to anyone and I sure as hell didn't belong to him. I couldn't belong to him, but oh did I want to jump in his arms right in that moment.

"Don't talk to me like that." He snapped.

"We wouldn't be having this conversation if you would have just let me go." I said, dismissing his outburst.

"You're my mate and I'm not letting you get away from me."

"Believe me when I say that you're so much better off without me." I said.

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