Don't forget to check out my new start of a trilogy Bloodlust which is now completed!
Dedicated to @skittler4ever :)
Everything started out perfectly fine. I woke up to Shayne's arm wrapped perfectly around me and my big belly. His face was buried in my neck and his light breath tickled my skin. When I tried to get up Shayne tightened his hold on me.
"Shay, let go." I whined.
"Just a little while longer." He mumbled.
"Shay, I have to pee."
I pried his arm off of me and darted for the bathroom. Being pregnant meant that I had the bladder of a kitten. I get pregnancy is supposed to be a beautiful experience, but there were some days that I just couldn't take it. I didn't know how humans could do this for nine months.
I jumped in the shower after I finished relieving my bladder. When I finished my warm shower I decided to wear a dress. The dress was long and thankfully it stretched around my belly.
When I stepped back into the room Shayne was sitting up in bed. He was on the phone and was deep in the conversation. I went to sit by him and he instinctively placed his hand on my belly.
Shayne seemed to be more excited about the baby as more time passed. It made me happy that he was this way with me now. It made me feel like maybe this whole mess with Ellie's death was something we could move past from.
At the gathering three weeks ago I was able to somewhat smooth things over with Eric. Apparently Shayne had told him about the possibility if Rider killing Ellie. Thankfully Eric was able to give me the benefit of the doubt like Shayne had.
I knew Eric still didn't have trust in me. The only thing I could do to reassure him was letting him in on my plans. I told him the information Sam had gotten from Imperial. He seemed a bit more convinced when I told him about everything. Eric was going to help me.
"Alright, my mate and I will be waiting for you." Shayne said ending his call.
"Who was that?" I asked.
"Eric. He's coming to visit."
"No specific reason. He wanted to visit my parents. He liked to do that often and with this whole thing happening he's been coming a lot."
"I don't blame him."
Shayne raised a brow and gave me a questioning look. I leaned in and pecked him on the lips.
"I get why he wants to be here more. This whole thing reminds him of Ellie's death. Do you know how that makes him feel? Maybe being here makes him feel close to her."
"This is why I love you." Shayne said before crashing his lips to me.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer to me. His warm lips moved against mine softly. I broke away when I felt a small shooting pain move through me.
"Ow." I said.
"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"
"No, I'm okay." I said. "I'm fine."
"I'm going to shower and then we'll eat."
"I'll start making something."
He kissed me one last time and headed into the bathroom. I walked out if the room and headed down to the kitchen. Eric would be here in less than two hours. Maybe I could make something for him and his pack too.
I started taking out things for me to cook. It was still early morning but Jake still came in looking more awake than ever. He looked at me and grinned.

Unforgivable ✔️
WerewolfSage has been haunted by her past for years. She has been able to run away from it for a long time but not anymore. When Sage crosses Night Shade's territory there is no getting out of it. The one thing Sage fears is being taken back to confront her...