Chapter 42

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Rider didn't look phased by the challenge. Instead he threw back his head and laughed. He didn't think Justin could be capable of taking him down. I was confident in Justin and in his strength. If Justin couldn't take him down then I would do it personally. Today he was going to be taken down one way or another. I would die trying if I had to. I would now allow this vile man to cause anyone else pain.

"I have to say I'm impressed, Sage." Rider:'s amusement was still in his voice. "Turning my own Beta against me. You've been a naughty girl." He tisked.

"Don't talk to her." Justin growled. "You should be paying attention to me."

Justin launched himself at Rider and they both went flying down on the ground. They both rolled out of each other's reach. They were trying to determine who would make the next move.

Thunder cracked all around. I looked up at the dark sky that threatened to hide the moon. I felt a small drop hit my cheek. Tonight was a dark night and blood would spill.

"Don't forget I taught you everything you know." Rider said as they danced around each other.

"Don't forget I've been planning this for a long time now." Justin gave a cocky grin. "You're not the only one I've trained with. You're not the only one I've been plotting with. I know all of your moves."

From behind the confident look I could see that Rider was more than raging inside. He didn't expect a betrayal from Justin. They had been side by side and here he was challenging him in a duel of death.

"You don't have it in you." Rider taunted.

"Is that what you think?" I asked. "Do you really think it was you who was calling the shots here? You don't know half of it."

"You two planned this? Well that explains the stupidity behind this so called plan." Rider laughed. "How pathetic."

"This is just a small part of it." Justin said. I could see the smirk on his face as we both watched Rider's confused look.

"That's right." I said. "There is so much more."

"What the hell are you both talking about?" Rider's facade was slipping.

"You'll just have to find out." I smirked.

Justin took the small moment that Rider was distracted with me to lunge at him. Rider was quick to dodge Justin's moves, but not by much. Justin's claws grazed Rider's skin ever so slightly.

Rider didn't make a move to attack Justin. Five minutes into the fight and I could see what Rider was trying to do. He was trying to tire out Justin and then attack him. Rider fought dirty and would take any advantage he could.

"Enough of this." Rider huffed. "You won't win. If you surrender now I'll forgive you and let you walk away alive."

"Will that be before you send your guys to hunt him down like you did to me?" I asked.

"You shut up, you little runt. I should have killed you when I had the chance." Rider spat.

"That's one thing you won't do twice. Killing a Luna is against pack law and you know it."

"Even if you tried you won't lay a finger in her." Justin assured him.

"I'm going to kill you and then I'm coming after you, Sage." Rider promised.

It seemed that we had gotten him riled up because he finally made his move. He lunged at Justin as he shifted in mid air. Justin was sent flying back and he hit a tree. The tree was small and the poor thing snapped in half.

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