Chapter 29

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As soon as the doctor said I could go home I begged him to let me go see Bre and Jake. They were both still locked up since Rider was still here. Eric was also close by but no longer in the territory.

I talked to Shayne and he assured me that Rider would be leaving soon. Over the past two days he had become very possessive over me. He blamed it on his wolf trying to go overboard with protecting the pup I was carrying. Whatever the reason was, I completely enjoyed it.

"Jake!" I said, running to his cell.


I hated the stupid bars for being in the way if me hugging him. The only thing we could do was hold each other's hands.

"Bre, I'm so glad to see you."

I reached over and took one of her hands in mine. I was so happy to see them after being by myself for almost four days.

"I'll be back in five minutes." Shayne warned as he walked away with two guards who accompanied us here.

"He let you out?" Jake asked.

"Is Rider gone?" I could hear the edge in Bre's voice.

"I have great news to tell you both. Thugs are still bumpy with Shayne but we're working things out." I said, smiling reassuringly.

"Why the sudden change if heart?" Jake snorted. "He was just about ready to kill you."

"I talked to him, Jake. We haven't worked things out completely-"

"You honestly think he doesn't have something up his sleeve?" Jake cut me off.

"Jake is right. He let you off that easily after how pissed he was?" Bre added.

"He won't let anything happen to me and he won't hurt me, especially now." My smile fell.

They were making it hard for me to give them the good news. I wanted this moment to be a happy one. I was going to have a baby with my mate. What could be more better than that?

"Why now? You can't trust him so easily after-"

"Jake, I'm pregnant." I blurted out.

"What?" Bre said surprised.

I dropped both of their hands and played with them nervously. I was now looking down and feeling nervous. They were both quiet for a long moment.

"Are you sure?" Bre asked.

"I am. I had a bit of an accident and ended up in the infirmary. That's how I found out." I bit down on my lip.

"How could you be so stupid?" Jake said quietly.

I looked up at him and saw disappointment flash in his eyes. That broke my heart and made me feel like balling in tears. This was not going how I planned.

"Jake, this is the best thing that could have happened." I said. "Shayne will hear me out and he's decided to trust me."

"Just like that? Sure he's trusting you." Jake said sarcastically.

"Not that I'm not happy for you but what's going to happen now? Are you seriously expecting him just to forget everything?" Bre said.

"We're going to work on it." I said.

"What happens if you don't work it out? What if the kid comes and he tosses you to those two psychos?" Jake said. "This is bad, Sage."

"I'm happy." I said, angrily. "I'm having a pup and this is going to be a good thing. I thought you guys would be a bit more supportive. I guess I was wrong. Shayne will let you both out when Rider leaves pack territory."

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