Bloodlust (Pologue)

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This is the start of the Bloodlust trilogy. This is only the prologue and the first book is already completed, but is yet to be edited. You can find the rest of the story on my page.

Finally home, or at least that's what Chloe thinks. Never had she called Ashburn her home since her mother passed away. Three months away from her eighteenth birthday and this time she feels like she'll stay for good. But will Chloe want to stay after she is exposed to a new world.

At school Chloe meets Vincent Sinclair. She trusts him and especially after revealing a truth that now set her whole world upside down. She has him at her side but will she continue to trust blindly once more truth is exposed? Chloe will realize that the only person she can trust is herself and maybe not even that.


I watched the drops of rain sliding down my window as they raced to the bottom. At least the weather hadn't changed in Ashburn- still the constant rain and the sunless days. I know it should feel like I am home but it feels far from it. Being gone over ten years did that to you. The place you once grew up in is no longer your home.

"Everything is just how it was when I left." I said quietly.

I could see my father's right hand man from the windows reflection. He had been standing there for ten minutes just looking at me. I've known him since I was a little kid. I bet he held me in his arms when I was a baby. He was always around my father so I've grown to see him as family.

"You were very young when you left," Donovan said. "you still remember?"

"I remember a lot of things, Don." I said, finally turning away from the window.

I walked to my bed and sat on the edge. It felt strange being back here and it felt strange seeing the changes done to my room. What was once pink and bright was now all white. There was no color to my room anymore. My walls were stripped of any posters I had pinned up.

"Your father is waiting for you in his study." He informed me.

I nodded and continued to look around at my room. My black suitcase was still at the foot of the bed. I hadn't opened it to unpack and probably wouldn't do it until tomorrow. I didn't want to risk my father telling me I was just here as a pit stop. He had done that twice before and I don't think I would be able to take another round.

I stopped having hopes of returning after the first time my father brought me back. I was here for no more than three weeks and he shipped me off again. I was sent to England with an aunt that was supposed to take care of me. Turns out I was to attend a boarding school without coming home after the semesters, or even during breaks.

"I will be there in a few."

Donovan nodded and left my room without further word. I sighed and wrapped my arms around myself. My room felt cold and so foreign to me. I had grown up in this room and this room had belonged to me. The more I try to picture how it used to be, the more I am wishing I could just go back to England.

I get off the bed and head down to my father's study. I run my hand against one of the walls as I walk to his study. The walls were still a Teal green color that slowly had begun to fade over the time. Dad still kept the family picture frames on the walls. The broken frames ha d been replaced the day after he had broken them all.

When my mother died my dad was devastated. Nothing could get him out of the heart broken stage he was in. Everyone hoped that with me at his side he would snap out of it. I had to be his priority now but he only pushed me away. He couldn't deal with raising me so he shipped me off to a strange place where someone else could do it for him.

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