As soon as those words had left my mouth Shayne froze. His eyes were wide and he just looked at me as if he were trying to process my words. My hands were still in his but he quickly pulled away as if my touch was acid. Shayne stood up and backed away from me. I looked at him through my blurry eyes and I felt cold without him close to me.
"What did you say?" Shayne asked quietly.
"I-I didn't mean to!" I quickly said. "I didn't know who she was!"
"You're lying." Shayne said with disbelief.
"I wanted to tell you but I couldn't. I realized it when you told me about your sister and I wanted to tell you then. I was so scared and I didn't know what to do-"
"I'm so sorry." I cried. "I didn't mean to-"
"I said stop!" Shayne growled at me.
I stopped my ramble and just cried. I wiped the tears away as they continued to spill down my face. My whole body was shaking. I pressed my hands to my lap to stop them from shaking so much. I was still crying and it was starting to scare me how quiet Shayne was being.
Without a word Shayne stormed out of the room. The door slammed shut and echoed throughout the room. I let my head fall in my hands and continued to cry. I felt a little better that Shayne at least didn't try to kill me. He looked so confused and pained. It was breaking my heart.
Jake came in the room shortly after Shayne left and kept asking why I was crying. I was assuming that Jake wasn't in the house when I told Shayne about the horrible thing I had done. Jake sat on the bed next to me and was rubbing small circles on my back as I continued to cry.
It took me about twenty minutes to calm down. I was laying down with my head resting on Jake's chest while he kept his arms around me. I had ignored the pain in my chest when I laid down with Jake. I was just starting to doze off when there was a light knock on the door. Sam stepped in without waiting for me to give him permission to enter.
Sam looked guarded when he entered the room. Jake carefully sat up when he noticed Sam by the foot of the bed. I carefully sat up and moved my sticky hair from my face.
"Sage, I need to speak with you." Sam said and looked at Jake. "Alone."
Jake looked down at me questioning and I nodded. Jake helped me as I tried to stand up. I gave him a smile at how much of a brother he was trying to be. My wounds were almost fully healed now and the pain was now subsiding. I was starting to feel better now and I rolled my eyes that he was trying to treat me like a baby.
"I'll be back to check on you later." Jake said.
I nodded and waited for him to walk out the door. I looked at Sam and waited for him to speak but he remained quiet. An awkward silence had settled in the room and I opened my mouth to speak but he beat me to it.
"I want to show you something." Sam said.
I looked at him confused. What could be so important that he needed to show me?
"Alright," I said.
I followed Sam out of the room and walked down to the living room. I thought we were going to stop here but Sam opened the front door. I probably should have changed if I knew we would be leaving the house. I was still wearing Shayne's shirt and my shorts.
Sam didn't say anything when we continued walking. He would occasionally look back at me to make sure I was following him. I noticed that there weren't a lot of people around like there usually were on a regular basis. A couple of people walked past us and bowed to me in respect. I simply nodded or waved at them with a small smile.

Unforgivable ✔️
WerewolfSage has been haunted by her past for years. She has been able to run away from it for a long time but not anymore. When Sage crosses Night Shade's territory there is no getting out of it. The one thing Sage fears is being taken back to confront her...