Chapter 9

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I pressed myself closer to Shayne as I listened to him talk more about his sister. The more he talked the more I felt a stone weighing down at the pit of my stomach. He talked about everything. He talked about how she had the purest heart and the kindest soul. How was I supposed to feel after he told me that?

"She sounds nice." I commented after he finally paused.

"It was hard not to love her. I know you would have gotten along with her."

"I don't know," I said unsure. "I never really got along with anyone from my pack. I was never one to socialize with others."

Shayne was running his fingers up and down my arm in light strokes. It was doing wonders to me. At any other time I would encouraged him and take advantage of the opportunity to get closer to him. But with the new information I was frozen in place.

"You never talk about your old pack." He said.

I shrugged. In reality, I never talked about anything. Any conversation I had with Shayne was about my day. He would want to know every detail of my day. Apparently he didn't trust Sam and Jake completely. He didn't trust Sam because he didn't have a mate and he didn't trust Jake because he would always joke around playfully.

I liked that Shayne cared so much even when I felt he was smothering. He never tried anything on me either and I appreciated that. In his own way he was taking care of me. He was letting me settle in and take this at my own pace.

"I was thrown out of my own pack and rejected before I even turned sixteen." I said in a shaky breath.

As soon as the words left my mouth Shayne tightened his hold on me and a low rumbling sounded deep in his chest. I pressed myself closer to Shayne and ran my hand up and down his chest. I felt him relax a bit but he was still tense.

"Who were they?" Shayne demanded.

"It doesn't matter anymore. It was a long time ago and I don't like talking about it. I was always used to being on my own and then Jake came along." I smiled at the many memories I had with Jake.

"You love your brother, don't you?" He said.

I nodded and smiled up at him. Jake was my bodyguard, best friend, and brother. I owed everything I had because of him. He taught me how to fight. He was there by my side every time I needed him. My wolf had also grown fond of him. He was our family.

"Yeah, I do." I sighed.

"Why did he decide to join you?" Shayne asked.

Here was my chance to come clean. All I had to do was tell him that Jake wasn't my brother. I could tell him everything, but then I would have to tell him about the incident that happened six years ago. I didn't want to think that, it just couldn't be.

"Jake is my big brother. He likes protecting me."

Shayne shifted to his side so he was facing me now. His hand ran down the side of my face and ended under my chin where he tilted it up.

"I can protect you." Shayne said, frowning.

"I know, but there's a lot you can't protect me from."

"I won't let anyone lay a finger on me. You're mine." He growled out.

A smile tugged at my lips. Yes, I was his mate. I belonged to Shayne. But would he still want me if I told him the truth? Even if it wasn't his sister, I had still done a horrible thing. There was no forgiveness for that.

"I know you won't and Jake wouldn't let anyone hurt me. He has made sure that we are always safe. There are rogues that are dangerous but there are others that are worse."

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