Self Harm (Chandler Riggs Imagine)

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Character Name: Skylar Age: 18


          "ring ring ring"  My phone goes off but I don't care. I run the blade over my wrist again. Chandler and I went to go see Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol 2. I had a ton of fun with him and the movie was amazing. Once we left the movies is what lead to me sitting in the bathroom cutting my wrist.

          We walked out of the movies only to be swarmed by fans. Usually it doesn't bother me, but it's been happening a lot more lately. We were walking through the crowd fine till a fan managed to punch me in the jaw. Chan quickly got me up and flagged down a taxi. We quickly got inside.

          "You ok?" Chan asked.

          "Yea. Jaw is gonna be a little sore though." I replied. 

          "I know. I'm sorry." He said and hugged me.

          "It's not your fault." I told him. The taxi came to a stop. We were at my house. Chandler walked me up to my door.

          "Love you." He said.

          "Love you too." I said and kissed him. He walked back to the taxi and went home. He lived about 20 minutes away from me. I walked into my small apartment and went into my room. I changed out of my jeans & t-shirt and into sweatpants and a loose shirt. I put my hair up in a messy bun and laid in bed. I got on instagram and saw a photo Chan posted of us at the movies. I smiled. I went into the comments....bad mistake.

Ew. She's so ugly. How does he like her?

She's so ugly!! Chan deserves someone who is prettier.

How could someone love an ugly girl like her? She should live with Shrek.

She should just die. Chan probably feels bad for her, that's the only reason he's with her.

          After I read the last one, I exited instagram and went into messages.

To: Chandler Bae <3 *Insert zombie emoji* <3

          Hey Chan. I had an awesome time today. I love you, but your fans hate me...I love you soo much. More than you know.

          I set my phone on my nightstand and walked into the bathroom and grabbed the little razor I kept hidden. I sat on the edge of the tub and started cutting. I always had a issue with cutting. Ever since I was 14 and I lost my parents to a car wreck. Since I had no other family, I moved to Atlanta and lived with my best friend. I moved out of her house at 16 when she moved away for collage and got my own apartment. I had stopped cutting for a while after that. This life threw some crap at me and I had started cutting again. Not long after I met Chandler, he convinced me to stop for him. I did....but a girl can only take so much.


          "RING RING RING"  My ringtone pulled me from my thoughts. I knew it was Chan. I looked at my wrist. I had 6 cuts. I added another..and another...and another....and an-BANG. I jumped. It sounds like someone may have just kicked my freaking door in. Before I could do anything there stood Chandler, in the doorway of the bathroom. I hadn't cut for about a year. I told Chan I wouldn't again, but here I sat, in my bathroom with cuts all up my left arm. He quickly grabbed the razor out of my hand and threw in into the trash can. He grabbed the first aid kit from under the sink.

          "Babe. Why'd you do this to yourself?" He ask me, with tears in his eyes. I felt bad when I saw he was crying. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

          "Your fans hate me. They keep saying I should die and that your only dating me because you feel pity for me." I said and winced as he cleaned and wrapped my arm.

          "Baby, I told you not to listen to them. None of it is true. I love you for you. I love you more than anything in this world!" He said and hugged me tightly. I hugged back just as tight. After our hug he laid in bed with me. He kept running his hand through my hair I ended up falling asleep.

~~2 Hours Later~~

          I woke up and noticed Chan was no longer in bed with me. My alarm clock said 6:36pm. I sighed and got up. I then saw a note on my bed.


          Sorry I won't be there when you wake up. I had to head back home because I left without telling anyone. If you'd like I can spend the night at you house?

                                                                                                              -Love, Chandler <3

          I smiled at the note and grabbed my phone. I saw a few notifications from Instagram & Twitter but I ignored them for now. I opened my messages and told Chan I'd love for him to stay the night. I decided to take a risk and open instagram. I saw a photo of my arm wrapped up. It was posted by Chandler. I was mad till I read what he wrote.

          Hi everyone. Today this happened to my WONDERFUL girl friend. You guys caused this. I love you guys but seriously? Telling someone to die and also that someone being the girl I LOVE, is not cool. Please never do this again. If you don't like her, then you best unfollow me. Now. I love you Sky. You amazing, wonderful, sweet, kind and B.E.A.U.T.I.F.U.L!!!!

          I smiled. I looked in the comments. Shockingly, fans were saying sorry. I hope they stop with telling me to kill myself at least. I don't want to cut myself. I feel horrible because it makes Chandler sad. But sometimes I can't help it. I know Chan will help me get through this though. :)

          That night Chandler and I had a movie marathon, pizza and cuddling.

AN: Hi. xD This probably sucked...I'm so bad at endings :/ Hope you liked it :)

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