Can We Just Lay Here and Cuddle For A Bit?

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Carl x Reader


          I sigh as I walk into the warm embrace of our house. It was a bit chilly in Alexandria today, but thankfully the houses were staying warm. I was currently living with the Grimes family, mainly because Carl and I are dating. I had actually came inside to find him. We just got finished getting rid of the rest of the bodies from the "War" with Negan.

            I took over Carl's part of it because he did so much yesterday that I wanted him to be able to chill out for a day. I take off my shoes by the door and slowly climb up the steps towards the rooms. My muscles killing me from all the work. I quietly open the bedroom door and see Carl asleep in his bed. I smile at his cute sleeping form and grab out a clean outfit and quietly go back out of his room and into the bathroom to take a shower.


          Once I finish my shower I get dressed into the comfy grey sweatpants and one of Carl's shirts. I dry my hair and brush it out. I exit the bathroom and go back into his room. I walk over to the bed and pull the covers back and slip in next to him.

          "Mmm, Y/n?" He ask, barley opening his eyes.

          "Hi sleepy head." I said and smile at him, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

          "Am I needed out there?" He ask me as he wraps his arms around my waist and holds me close.

          "Nope. We finished everything. I had just gotten back a little while ago." I told him and laid my head on his chest next to his heart. I just listened to his steady heartbeat till he spoke again.

          "Sorry I didn't help today. Anything you want to do?" He ask me.

          "It's fine, you deserved the rest. Can we just lay here and cuddle for a bit?" I ask him and smile.

          "Of course. That's my favorite part of the day." He says and tries to pull me even closer. We lay with him on his back, while I lay on my side facing him. I have my arm wrapped around his torso with my head laying on his chest. He has the arm I'm half laying on wrapped around me and his hand sitting on my waist while he other arm is laying on the bed but he's holding the hand that's wrapped around him.

          "I love you." I mumble as I begin to fall asleep.

          "I love you too." He says and kisses the top of my head. We begin to both drift off into sleep. Rick and Michonne come home a little while later and decided to check on us. He opens the door and sees us cuddled together and he can't help but smile.

         "Awww" Michonne says quietly when she comes into the room to see the scene. Rick grabs his polaroid camera and takes a picture. He quietly walks over and lays the picture on Carl's nightstand and Michonne and Rick walk out of the room and quietly shut the door.

          "They're so cute together." Michonne says to Rick as the walk back downstairs. Rick just continues to smile to himself as he thinks of how lucky Carl is to have you. Rick knows I will never do anything to hurt Carl.

AN: Ugh. This ending is kinda bad...but I didn't know how to end it. Hopefully you guys did like this small Carl story.

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