He Hurt My Baby (Daryl Dixon x Daughter)

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Reader age is around 9 or under. Reader is also more mature for her age at times

~*Readers POV~*

          I walk down to the pond, where I last saw Lori go. Since my daddy and uncle are out hunting, Lori watches over me. I'm really good friends with her son, Carl. I continued to carefully walk down the path and I begin to hear Lori and Shane talking as I reach the bottom.

          "Lori, Could-" I begin to say but Shane interrupts me.

          "Y/n, Could you leave us alone for a few?" Shane asks, in an angry voice. I was already scared of him, I never really knew why I was scared of him though.

           "I just nee-" I try to explain again, which made him more angry.

          "Y/n, sweetie I'll be up in a moment." Lori said smiling sweetly at me. I just wanted to explain why I needed her.

          "Ok, I just wanted to tell yo-" I begin once more and Shane lost it. He punched me square in the face and I fell back with a yelp. I could feel my nose bleeding.

          "SHANE!" Lori yelled at him and tried to help me. I got up and ran though. I ran straight through camp, ignoring everyone's questions and straight into the tent I shared with my daddy and uncle. I zipped it up and grabbed one of my daddy's shirts and laid down holding it against my face.

~~A Few Hours Later~~

          "Where's my baby!?" I heard my daddy shout. I got up, stilling hold onto his flannel, and unzipped the tent.

          "Daddy!" I screamed and ran to him. He picked me up and held me close. He pulled me away a little bit and saw the blood on my face.

          "Baby, What happen to ya?" He asked, concern in his voice.

          "I went down to the-" I began when Lori ran up.

          "Daryl, let me explain...in private please?" Lori asked, glance at Shane who was glaring.

          "No! Let her." Daryl said. Lori sighed and nodded.

          "I went down to the pond to talk to Lori and Shane punched me when I was trying to tell Lori what I needed." I said. I saw my daddy's face turn to anger after the punch part.

          "You hurt my baby?!" Daddy yelled at Shane. I flinched a little and Lori came up and took me.

          "I didn-" Shane tried to say before my daddy screamed at him again.

          "YOU HURT MY BABY!" He screamed and punched Shane. I saw a few members of the camp pull Daryl off Shane. I could see daddy was now crying. I got out of Lori's arms and ran to him.

          "It's ok daddy." I said as I hugged him.

          "He hurt my baby..." I heard daddy mumble. He reached down the picked me up, walking towards our tent. He picked up his flannel that was lying right outside the tent and he saw the blood on it.

          "I'm sorry I got blood on your shirt daddy." I said.

          "It's fine sweetheart. Stay in here and let me get a cloth to wipe away the blood." He said and put me down. I went inside the tent and sat down on the sleeping bag. Daddy returned a few minutes later with a wet cloth. He went up to me and crouched infront of me, wiping my face. I heard him mumble "He hurt my baby" a few more times. I don't think he knew I heard him though.

          "Ok, You're gonna need to change your shirt, there's some blood on it." He said and went over to our bag. He pulled me out a new shirt and turned away while I changed.

          "Done." I said and he picked up the dirty shirt and threw it into the small basket. He went over and laid down on his sleeping bag.

          "Come 'ere." He said and I laid down with him. He wrapped his arms protectively around me and ran his hand over my hair, soothing me into sleep. The last thing I heard before falling asleep was "I'll never let him hurt you again."

AN: Hey y'all! So sorry for being gone. I've have a major writers block and I've been quite busy lately. Anywho, I hope you guys like this imagine. :)

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