Pirate Girl (Grimes Family Imagine)

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Your Carl's twin sister (so same age). Takes place during 6x8/6x9.

          "What are we gonna do?" I asked dad. Walkers have made it into the house and are currently blocked by a couch on the stairs.

          "I got an idea. Carl, Y/n, now." Dad said and walked towards the stairs. Carl and I followed.

~~~~A few moments later~~~~

          "Are you serious dad?" I asked as he cut open the walker.

         "Listen. It worked before. It's how Glenn and I got out of Atlanta. It'll work." He reassured me. I still wasn't convinced but Carl gave me a nod. Jessie was currently talking to Sam to calm him down.

          "Ok. Put the sheets over your head and help each other cover up with the walker." Dad said. I sighed and put the sheet on. Carl started putting the blood and guts on me. I closed my eyes till he was done and then did the same to him.

          "This is so gross." I said as we were all covered. They agreed. Carl had Judith under the cloth with him.

          "Let's go. Don't do anything that will draw attention. That includes talking." Dad said. I nodded and we all held hands. I was holding hands with Carl and Jessie. We began to walk down the steps pass the walkers. They looked at us but did nothing, thinking we were one of them.


          It was now night. Gabriel took Judith to his church to keep her safe. We wanted Sam to go but he didn't want to leave Jessie. We continued to walk and got near were we needed when Sam stopped and began to say "Mom" over and over.

          "Sam. Come on buddy. We need to go. Now." I whispered to him. We needed to move now. The walkers were getting curious. We keep trying to get him to move but he wouldn't budge. He was scared. The walkers noticed he was indeed not one of them and started biting into him. Jessie screamed and the walkers then went after her too.

          "No..no..no" I heard Dad whispering over n over. Carl tried pulling me along but I couldn't move. My hand was stuck in Jessie's tight grip.

          "Dad..Carl..help" I say, tears threatening to spill, from fear of become one of those monsters.

          "Dad! Dad! Help Y/n!" Carl said to a harsh whisper. Dad finally snapped out of his trance and started chopping at Jessie's arm to free me. He finally did and I fell to the ground, dropping my gun in the process. I got up and heard a gun click. I looked up and saw Ron pointing a gun towards us.

          "You took everything from me." He said. Right before he shot Michonne stabbed him. I suddenly felt a searing hot pain in my right eye. I turned towards Carl and looked up.

          "Carl?" I said before passing out.

~~Carl's POV~~

          "You took everything from me." Ron said. Right before he shot up Michonne stabbed him. He still fired off a shot but it didn't hit us. I felt relieved but then noticed Michonne's worried expression. Y/n turned towards me.

          "Carl?" She said and then fell to the ground. She had blood coming out of her right eye. You couldn't see her eye anymore. Dad quickly picked her up and we began to kill the walkers in our path and ran to Denise. We quickly ran inside. Dad laid her down on the table and back away. Denise and the others began going to work. Dad walked back outside. Michonne kissed Y/n on the head and ran out to help Rick. I did the same as Michonne and ran back outside too.


          Finally. We have taken back Alexandria from the undead. As soon as I shot the last walker I ran back to Denise and ran inside. Denise instantly told me where to go. I ran inside and saw Y/n laying on the bed with bandages wrapped around her right eye and her head. I sat down next to her and grabbed her hand. Dad come inside not long after and sat next to her also.

~~Y/n POV~~

          I woke up in a nice warm bed. I felt someone holding my hand in theirs. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn't budge. They felt like they were bricks. I tried to remember what happen and that's when everything came flooding back. The wall. The walkers. Sam, Jessie...Ron...      I willed my eyes to open. I only felt my left eye open. Everything was blurry at first. I blinked a few times and could see clearer. I couldn't see anything out of my right eye.

          "Carl.." I croaked out. My throat extremely dry. He woke up instantly and gave me water.

          "Thank you. W-what happened?" I asked after he hugged me.

          "Ron shot you in the eye...." He said. I could tell he was hesitant.

          "Oh my god." I mumble. Rick then walked in. He stared at me in shock for a moment and then ran and hugged me.

          "You scared me. I thought I lost my girl." He said. I could tell he was crying.

          "I'm not going anywhere." I said and smiled. He pulled away and smiled.

          "So...I'm now a Pirate Girl huh?" I said. Carl and Dad chuckled. I couldn't help but laugh too. I was always the one to lighten the mood.

~~A few day later~~

          I finally got to leave a few days ago. It was gonna take some getting use too. Not being able to see out of my right eye and having to change the bandage everyday. Still, I'm glad I'm still on this planet. Walkers or not, Pirate Girl or Not. I joked with Carl that we gotta get me a pirate patch now. He laughed and said if he ever finds one.

          "I love you guys." I said and pulled Rick and Carl into a hug. One happy weird family. An ex-cop, a teenage boy and a teenage pirate girl.

AN: Hey guys! :) I hope you enjoyed this. I got this idea after seeing 6x9, which was AWESOME!! ^_^

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