Let Her Stay

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Name: Emily  Age: 14

          "Em, darlin'. You ready?" I hear Negan call through the door. I sigh and fix my clothes. Thank god I can wear normal clothes for once. I'm wearing blue jeans and a plan white shirt. I also am wearing gym shoes. My feet are thankful for the relief from wearing heels all day. I'm happy I don't have to wear one of those horrible dresses too. I'm only 14, but I'm one of Negan's wives. He never touches me, but he said as soon as I'm 18...it's gonna change.

          "Em!" His voice takes me out of my thoughts. I quickly walk to the door and open it to see him standing right there. He smiles and we begin to walk outside, towards the trucks. He said I'm coming with him today to Alexandria. He said it was time for me to learn how they do things. I personally didn't care.

          "Get on in." He said. I climbed into the truck. I was stuck sitting between Dwight and Him. Dwight's wife, Sherry, who is now Negan's wife, is basically a mother to me. She always checks on me and comforts me. I watch the road as we drive to Alexandria.

         "We're almost there. Listen, you will stay right besides me. Got it?" Negan said. I nodded and stayed quiet. We pulled up to a metal gate. It opened up and we drove inside. Negan got out and began talking about something. I didn't really pay attention.

          "Now, I brought my youngest wife, Emi, for you guys to meet!" Negan said. My name being called had pulled me from my thoughts. Dwight elbowed me, signaling for me to get out. I slowly climbed out of the truck and walked over by Negan. He put his arm around my shoulder. I looked up and saw some of the people of Alexandria giving me sad looks. I sighed, wishing I could live here with them. Away from Negan.

~~2 Hours Later~~

          "Alright. Let's get ready to head out!" Negan yelled to his guys. We began to walk towards the trucks when Rick spoke up.

            "Negan!" He said. Negan stopped right away and turned around. I turned around also.

          "Plea-Please let her stay." Rick said, gesturing towards me.

          "Rick. Are you CRAZY? This beauty is my WIFE! She's mine." Negan said. I so wanted to slap Negan. I am not his. I am my own person, not some property.

          "I'm sorry Negan, but no 14 year old should be considered a wife." Rick said. I so  agreed with him.

          "Um excuse me Rick..but she was the one who said Yes." Negan said. I lowered my head. I only said Yes because it seemed like a better way at the time then working in the yard with walkers and guys. I was wrong.

          "How about she decide where she wants to stay?" Rick asked. I could hear the fear in his voice. I didn't blame him. Negan was unpredictable. Negan stayed quiet for a minute. I got a small bit of hope.

            "Fine. Emi. Where do you want to stay?" Negan asked. I wanted to stay here, in Alexandria, but was scared of what Negan would do if I chose Alexandria.

          "I-I want to stay here.." I said. Negan looked a mix of sad, hurt and angry. 

          "Fine. But I get to see her every week." Negan said, mad. I slowly backed away from him. I felt someone put their hands on my shoulders. I looked and saw Michonne. She gave me a small smile. I returned one.

          "Deal." Rick said. Negan looked at me once more before he got in the truck. Soon after they were out of Alexandria and the gate was shut.

          "Thank you so much!" I said and hugged Rick. He hugged back slightly.

          "Please don't make me regret doing that, ok?" Rick asked.

          "Oh trust me. I won't. Living at The Sanctuary was the worst thing ever." I told him. He nodded and gave me a small smile. I saw a familiar face behind Rick.

          "Daryl?" I said and walked towards him. I knew Daryl when he was at the Sanctuary. Well..I didn't know  him but ya know. Sherry told me about him too.

          "I'm glad you escaped." I said with a smile. He nodded.

            "I know your not much of a talker, and you probably don't know me. I was one of Negan's wives. I was close with Sherry, she told me about you." I explained. He just nodded once again. I gave a small smile and went back over to Rick.

          "Let me show you where you'll live." Rick said. I smiled. Finally I was free from Negan.

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