Could We Dance?

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So, This is kinda like my first imagine in this book...and I should explain why. I had my Valentine Dance last month, and I danced with a guy for the FIRST TIME! It was so amazing and so basically Chandler is at a Valentine dance and you ask him to dance and yea..basically gonna be everything I just experienced but with Chandler <3  Also, the song at top is the song that was playing when I was dancing with the guy (Louis..I think is how you spell his name) <3  (My dance was Feb. 17th)


          I sigh as I stand slightly off to the side of the dance floor and watch all the couple dancing together to 'Say You Won't Let Go' by James Arthur. I was happy for them, but I wish I had someone to dance with, but I was too nervous to ever ask a guy. I slightly sway side to side, my knee length black dress swaying along. I had a black dress with red going around the waist. I decided to finally go ask my friend..

          "Kira...If I want a guy to dance with do I get them too?" I ask her, because I was way to shy to ask any guy.

          "Well, Who do you want to dance with?" She ask me with a grin.

          "Honestly, Chandler." I told her. Chan was the popular one. He danced with all the girls because he was really nice.

          "I got this. LOGAN!" She yells for our friend.

          "Emi wants to dance with Chandler...Could you talk to him?" She ask. Logan was friends with Chandler. He nodded and walk into the middle where Chandler was dancing and being goofy. Logan put his arm around Chandler's shoulder and was talking. He pointed at me and Kira also pointed at me. They talked for a few more minutes before Logan came back over.

          "He said another girl also wants to dance. So, during the next slow song he'll do half of it with her and half with you." Logan told me. I nodded. I was so nervous and had anxiety but I was also excited. My friend grinned at me and I couldn't help but also give a small smile, because I was happy about this too.

          I waited around till I heard the beginning of a slow song come on. I didn't know the song, but it for sure was a slow song. I looked in the crowd and watched Chandler as he danced with the other girl. I waited patiently and when he let her go, I walk towards him. He smiled brightly at me as I walked towards him.

          Me in my nervous state, went to reach towards his waist like an idiot. He gently grabbed my wrist and put them on his shoulders. I blushed, embarrassed. He put his hands on my  waist and we began to sway side to side.

          "What's your name?" He asked me. I was glad he started the conversation

          "Emi." I said. I was probably blushing like an idiot.

          "Awesome! What grade you in?"

          "9th." I said. I then heard the slow song end my heart dropped. Seriously? My smile faded away..

          "Don't worry...We'll dance during the next slow song." Chandler told me as he let go. I nodded and walk over to my friend. I was upset that I barley got to dance with him! That was like 10 seconds! I hanged out with my friends and then 'Don't Stop Believing' by Journey began to play. It was usually the last song of the night so I felt sad but decided I need to enjoy the last minutes. Everyone got in a huge group circle and we all began to sing while swaying back and forth.


          After the song ended, another song began to play and I realized the dance isn't over! I guess that wasn't the last song. I walked towards the DJ because I wanted to know if I was gonna get to dance with Chandler.

        'Hi..will another slow song be playing?" I asked her, hopeful.

          "Yep!" She said and smiled. I thanked her and got super excited. I chilled with my friends and then heard the slow song begin to play. I  freezed for a second and my friend laughed and grinned at me. I walked towards the middle, looking for one certain boy. He was looking around and once he saw me and instantly walked towards me and we resumed our position like last time.

          "So, you said you're a Freshman?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled at him. Not actually believing this was happening.

          Awesome! I'm a senior." He said. We began to talk more. We found out we both loved animals and liked some of the same things. I couldn't help but keep staring up at him.

          "What?" He asked with a small laugh.

          "I've just..never danced with someone before." I told him, a little embarrassed.

          "Really?" He asked me, shocked. I just nodded and all too soon, the song ended.

          "Thank you.." I muttered out quickly as we began to walk away from each other. I walked to my friends and began to cry a little from the anxiety. I couldn't believe I just danced with him. My friends managed to calm me down a bit and they announced the dance had ended. I watch Louie dance with a few other girls for just a moment since not everyone has left.

          My parents arrived and we left. The whole car ride I was thinking of Chandler and I was telling my friend about it. Once I got home I saw one of the moms that was at the dance messaged me. I freaked out once I saw she got a video of us dancing. I searched up the song we danced too and just listened to it on repeat, trying to relive what just happened.

AN: Hey guys! This took me so long to write oml. Sooo yea. I danced with a guy for the first time. I loved it so much that I just wanted to make an imagine of it. lol

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