Sisters Forever (Maggie x Sister!Reader)

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          I stare down at the photo in my hands. The photo is of Maggie and I. We were laughing at a joke she just made. I remember Hershel standing behind the camera, laughing along to us. Annette & Beth were inside, probably watching out the window. Otis was in town getting food and Shawn was out hunting.

         I was pulled away from my memory by the groans and growls of walkers. I was currently in a tree with my leg hanging off the branch. I quickly grab my bag and put the photo in my pocket. I jump down and begin to jog to someplace safer, if there even is anywhere considered safe.

          Hershel's farm was a safe haven to me. I was in Atlanta visiting friends when all this crap went down. By time I was able to find my way home, the barn was completely burnt down and the house was abandoned. I searched everywhere and couldn't find anyone. I went into the horse barn and had found my beautiful horse, H/N, had been killed. I took the name tag off the halter hanging up and kept it as a memory. I had He/She since I could ride. He/she was an amazing horse.

          After running a safe distance from the flesh eating monster, I slowed to a walk. I was walking along railroad tracks, that once was used by trains daily. The leaves beneath me crunched as I walked. It was beautiful out today, sunny skies making the orange, redish and yellow trees seem brighter. There was a bonus to this walker infested world, you have to keep moving, which means you see some beautiful sights and enjoy the peaceful moments more.

          'bang'  I heard a gun go off someone near by. On instinct I ducked down. I looked back up and quickly searched my surroundings, seeing no threat. I still didn't take the chance and grabbed my gun out and hid behind the big tree nearby. I began to hear leaves crunch, as they were moments ago from me. I stayed behind the tree and listened closely.

          "Hands up and weapons down!" I said sternly as I came out from behind the tree when the crunching got too close for comfort. I saw a decent size group. There was 3 girls and 4 guys. One of the girls looked familiar, but I couldn't tell very well because a guy who I would say looked like Jesus was blocking most of their face from my view.

          "How about you put your gun down and no one gets hurt." The Jesus guy said. He put his hands up and walked towards me. I could now see the girl behind him. I froze in shock and lowered my gun. It was my sister. It was Maggie.

          "Mags?" I said, a little louder than a whisper. She stared at me in the same state of shock and then walked towards me. I did the same. She hugged me tightly. I hugged back just as tight. I missed my sister so much, more than I realized. We pulled away and just smiled at each other.

          "I missed you so much Y/n." She said and gave me a hug again.

          "I missed you too. I went back to the farm..the barn was burnt to the ground, house abandoned. H/N had been killed..." I said. Maggie looked sadden by the news of my horse. She knew how much H/n meant to me.

          "Uh Maggie?" The Jesus dude said.

          "Oh. Sorry. This is my sister, Y/n." Maggie said.

          "Y/n, This is Paul," She said pointing at the Jesus dude.

          "But my friends call me Jesus. Your choice." He said. I couldn't help but chuckle, which made him smile.

          "This is Rick, The leader." Maggie said, gesturing towards the guy with curly hair. He nodded his head at me.

          "Daryl," The guy with the crossbow.

          "Carl, Ricks son." Pirate kid. Alright.

          "Carol," Carol gave me a warming smile, she sorta had a motherly look to her.

          "and Rosita." She said gesturing towards the last person. I smiled at Rosita, she gave me a small one back. I have a feeling I'll get along with Jesus and Rosita most.

          "It's nice to meet all of you." I said and smiled. I put my gun away and looked back at the group.

          "We have a camp, a group. If you'd like to join, you just need to answer 3 simple questions." Rick said. I nodded.

            "How many walkers have you killed?"

          "Didn't keep track. Lots though." I said.

          "How many people have you killed?"

          "1." I said, I hated killing the person. Walkers are one thing, but a person..

          "Why?" He asked.

          "They tried to rape me." I said. Normally I would've choked up saying that, but it's been what seems like a long time and he didn't actually succeed in doing it. I could feel Maggie tense up and Rick gave me a sad smile.

          "Welcome to the group!" He said. Maggie gave my shoulders a little squeeze. We began to walk back to the place they call home, Alexandria.

~~Later that night~~

          Maggie, Glenn & I were currently chilling on their couch. Talking about how each other survived.

          "So...Where's everyone else?" I asked, noticing she left out what happen to our family.

          "Annette and Shawn both got killed by the walkers before we got away from the farm..." Maggie said. I nodded, understanding that it was a massive herd that attacked the farm.

          "Only Daddy, Beth & I escaped the farm." Maggie said. I could hear the sadness in her voice. Glenn rubbed her arm, making me nervous for what was to come.

          "At the prison...the Governor showed up a second time, with a tank. He..he killed daddy." Maggie said, I could see she was holding back tears, while mine freely flowed. I crawled over to her and hugged her. I sat back and little bit to let her finish.

          "After the attack, we we're all split up. Beth was with Daryl when she got taken. She was taken to the hospital in Atlanta.." Maggie said, choking up. I had a good idea of which hospital she was talking about.

          "We went to get her back, I wasn't there yet, but from what I was told, everything was going smooth. They got her back but then the leader cop, Dawn, asked for Noah, a boy they were trying to rescue from the hospital too. Beth..she couldn't control her anger. Sh-she stabbed the cop with scissors and the cop shot her." Maggie said, not being able to hold the tears back any longer. I hugged her again. I made a silent prayer to daddy and Beth.

          "We'll get through this Mags..remember what daddy always said?" I said when I had pulled away. Maggie nodded.

          "Life is always a test, and a sad soul will kill you quicker than a germ."  We said at the same time and gave each other sad smiles.

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