Rant || Season 8 Episode 8

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          Hi everyone! If you have seen Episode 8 of Season 8, you probably know what this rant is about. It's about Carl. I've been so angry since that. (and upset). So basically, here is what I'm angry about-

          Scott Gimple told Chandler that'd he would be on the show another 3 years. Then 2 weeks before Chandler's 18th birthday, told him he was fired. (Killed off). Listen here Scott, you don't do that to someone. If you weren't sure if Chandler would still be on for that many years, THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING. Chandler even said it blindsided him. When he was told he'd be on the show for 3 years, he BOUGHT A HOUSE BY SET. HE TOOK A YEAR OFF FROM SCHOOL!!!!!!

          He said him and his family didn't even know what to do after being told that. Even Andrew Lincoln was the same!! I feel like Carl dying is a really stupid move. Carl is the future of the show. He's the next leader. I've seen so many people say they're quitting the show, so Scott just made the show lose a wholeeeee bunch of views.

          I'm not the kind of person that wants people to lose jobs, but I believe it's time for Scott to leave the show. He's done good episodes, don't get me wrong, but I feel it's time to leave. I haven't been a huge fan of S8. I've liked some of the episodes, but not nearly as much as episodes in S7. They've already killed off a character I loved this year (Shiva) but I understood why. They didn't have the funds to keep using CGI. Now with Chandler, there was and is no excuse.

            Sure, Judith could be the next leader but that's gonna take YEARS. Years that we don't = have in the show. :/ Carl is ready to be a leader. and like...he's Rick's only son...and has been there since Day 1. Carl's death is going to kill Rick. Rick is gonna shut down, and then be so hell bent on revenge that he's gonna get himself killed.

          Chandler also said, he's upset he doesn't get to stay for Carl's comic book story line. Carl lives on for a long time in the comics, and has a cool interaction with a group called 'The Whisperers'. Now thanks to Scott, we probably won't see them and won't even be going by the comics anymore it seems. (I don't read the comics btw).

          I'm sorry for this long 300 word rant, but I've been so mad about this since Sunday.

*I will still be uploading this book..but I've been considering quitting TWD. That will be decided after I see what they do for episode 9. If I quit the show, I will still update, just maybe not as much and won't be able new things unless I see something from the newer episodes that I think is cool to write about.*

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