This World Can Change

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           I keep firing shots from my gun over and over at the Saviors. I was fighting alongside The Kingdom today. Each week I help each community. I live in Alexandria though and Carl is my lovely boyfriend I get to come home too.

          "EM!" I hear Ezekiel shot at me as bullets fly past my face. I quickly go behind a tree and every few seconds I peek around it and fire a few shots. 8 years ago I would of never even thought of holding a gun. Now here I am, 17 years old and shooting a gun like a pro. I'm fighting in a war  in a walker filled world.

          "Hold up!" Ezekiel says, holding his fist up. I see a guy up on the hill. The last savior in the woods. Before he even sees us Shiva jumps out of the woods and tackles him. I hear his screams as she has ahold of his neck. I try my best to tune out the screams.


          Finally after hours I'm on my way to Alexandria. I'm riding my horse, Piper, home. King Ezekiel let me take one of their horses as my own. I come up to the gate and it begins to open to reveal Carl.

          "Carl..Come with me. I wanna show you something." I say and smile at him. He gives me a confused look but walks over to me. I help him onto the back of my saddle and click Piper on. She begins to canter through the woods. Dodging trees and jumping over fallen down logs. We get to this hill and we run up it. I have Carl dismount first then I do.

          "Beautiful, huh?" I say and we have a good view of the fields below and the sunset. He nods. We lean against a tree that's on the top. Our hands intertwined as we watch the beautiful sunset. Piper stands a small distance away, grazing. I smile as I watch the beautiful sunset. I could already spot a few stars beginning to peek out.

          "Ya know, This world can be bad sometimes. Spending every day fighting and surviving. But getting to come home to you, to my family and seeing a beautiful flower, or sky or even just seeing the end of a sunset and seeing the stars begin to shine, reminds me that this world is still beautiful. That is can go back to the way it was. That is doesn't have to be like this forever. That we can all change, and that we're still alive." I say.

          "You're right. There's a lot of death, blood and just terrible stuff in this world, but there is still beauty in it. Just takes time to realize that." Carl says back and smiles at me. I smile back and soon enough out lips touch. It wasn't the first time we kissed, but this one felt more...special. I smile as we pull away.

          "We should head back." I say and get on Piper. I help Carl on once again and we begin to head home. I smile and think about what just happened.

AN: Hi! Sorry this is short. I had happened to write this one night, and was trying to add on to it, but nothing quiet fit. lol

EDITED: 8/6/18

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