Happy Birthday Baby (Chandler Imagines)

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AN: Sorry for so many Chandler imagines. xD I just have a easier writing imagines for him for some odd reason.  Using my own name for this because I actually had this dream last night. My birthday is December 18th, so let's put this in that time.

           "ding" I heard my phone go off. I rolled over and looked at my alarm clock. 12:00am.  I groaned and grabbed my phone. I opened the message and saw it was from Chan.

         Happy Birthday Beautiful! <3 I'm sorry I can't be there for your birthday. I hope you have an amazing day though. :) Hopefully I'll see you soon <3

          I smiled at the text. I hadn't see Chandler since my 17th birthday. He's been so busy with school and filming. I was hoping he'd be here for my 18th birthday..Hopefully we can facetime though.

          Thanks baby. <3 I hope I can see you soon too. Hopefully we can facetime tomorrow morning? :)

           I text him back and scrolled through social media while I waited for a reply. My phone vibrated to alert me of a text.

         We can for sure facetime later today. (It's after 12 hehe) Now get some sleep baby. :) Love you. Goodnight

         I smiled. I can't wait to facetime him later.

        Hey. You woke me up! lol Love you. Goodnight <3

         I sent the text and put my phone down. I then fell into a deep sleep.


         "Emily! Emily!" I woke up to my mom shaking me awake and calling my name.

        "What?" I asked as I groaned and rolled over. My alarm clock read 7:36.

       "We're going somewhere for your birthday. Now get ready." She said and left the room. I groaned and got up and went into the bathroom. I started the shower and waited for the water to warm up before getting in. ~~I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself. I blow dried my hair then brushed it out. I walked into my closet and put on blue jeans and a plain black long sleeve shirt. I put on my snow shoes and a grey beanie. I grabbed my coat and went back into my room.

       "Emi! Hurry up." My mom called from downstairs. I grabbed my phone and put it in my front pocket of my jeans. I grabbed my wallet and put it in my back pocket. I walked downstairs and saw my mom waiting by the door.

          "Let's go." She said with a smile. I walked outside into the cold winter air and got into the car. She got in and started it up. It was now almost 9.

            "Where we goin?" I asked her.

          "Not telling ya sweetheart." She said. I sighed and turned on the radio. Somethin' Bad by Miranda Lambert and Carrie Underwood started playing. I smiled and watched out the window.

~~10 minutes later~~

        We soon came across a very big barn.

       "Omg. WE'RE GOING HORSE RIDING?" I asked my mom very very excited. I loved horses. Have since I can remember. Last time I went riding was for my 14th birthday. I was considered a natural born rider. I didn't need lessons or anything and actually shocked some of the people at how good I was.

         "Yep." My mom said chuckling. I was practically jumping in my seat like a 4 year old. We finally parked and I got out. I left my wallet and coat in the car and we began walking down the path to the barn. Trees ran along the path on both sides. It looked beautiful, especially with the snow. We got about half the bath till the barn door opened just a tiny bit. A boy that looked to be my age in blue jeans and a grey hoodie with a black beanie stepped out. When he looked up I noticed it was....CHANDLER.

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