I have quit The Walking Dead.

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          Yep....So, I no longer watch The Walking Dead. Ever since I started the show I had a hard time keeping into it. I did like it and it was good, but I just couldn't really stay into it. After the Season 8 finale, I decided I didn't want to continue watching it. Because during S7, I began only watching for characters and during S8 they killed 2 of my favorites. And I wasn't even done with S8 when I found out who had died. I was on episode 4 I believe. I wasn't upset I got spoiled though.

          I just wanted my lovely readers to know...  I might still update this book but it'd be very random. Nothing will be up to date with whats currently going on most likely. Thank you all so so much for all the reads, votes and comments. I love you all. <3 Till next time xo

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