For You

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          I sit outside the burnt church. My dads arms wrapped tightly around me as I cried into his chest. My cries muffled by his shirt. I could tell he was trying not to cry anymore. Michonne stood behind us, also trying not to breakdown. I then heard the sound I know we all dreaded to hear. The Silenced Gunshot.  I began to cry harder and I could feel dads arms wrap tighter around me. Dad had his head against mine and I could feel the wetness of his tears hitting the top of my head as he no longer tried to hold his tears in. I could hear Michonne's small cries behind us.

          My dad just lost his only son..

          Michonne just lost her second son..

          I just lost my brother..


          After a few moments, Dad and Michonne dreadfully walk back inside. The come outside with Carl's body wrapped in a white sheet. I begin to cry harder and almost fall to the ground. Carl was only 18...he still had so much. I'm only 16, and he wants me to follow in his footsteps, which I will always try to do for him. He gave me dads hat, saying it always kept dad with him. Not only will it keep dad with me, it'll forever keep Carl with me.

          They lay Carl down on the ground and we begin to dig.. All of us dig in silence and have tears going down our faces. It wasn't suppose to be like this. Out of all things, a walker took the one of the strongest guys I knew out. Not Negan, not a gun shot. A walker. Carl survived so much, he was so strong, yet something we kill everyday for a living took him out.

          I wanted to go outside these walls and shoot every single walker I see in my path till they are all gone. They took one of the most important things in my family away. I know we'll never be the same without Carl. Judith is going to grow up without her big brother. I know I will never fill the hole Carl left in this family. I don't ever plan too, but I will fullfill the wish he had for me, to beat this world.

          But what Carl didn't realize, he did  beat this world. He kicked it in the ass. I will always continue to follow his footsteps and he will always be in my heart. I know he is up in heaven with Mom and everyone else we've lost to this horrible world. He no longer has to fight...he can finally rest. I know he will always watch over us. Over dad. Over Michonne. Over Judith. Over everyone we've meet since this world went to hell.

          I help them carefully lower Carl down into the grave. They begin to cover him up with dirt while I carve 'Carl G.'  into the small cross I made out of wood. I finish it and then place it in it's rightful spot on his grave.

          I love you Carl..I always will. You have taught me everything I know about life. I don't think I would of made it this far without you. I will continue to fight this war. I will continue to help save people like you did. I will make sure we win this war...for you.

AN: Hi everyone! So, I did not watch watch last nights episode. Anyway, there might by mistakes and this might not go by the storylines of last night episode, but oh well. Sorry I made y'all cry!! I know lots of that happened last night...

Till next time. xo

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