Paul! (Paul Rovia x Sister!Reader)

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          I sigh as I sit on my porch, not being able to sleep. I stare at the stars till I hear the gates opening. I guess Rick and Daryl returned from their run. I see them carrying a guy into Denise's house. I get curious and follow them over. I walk inside and see Denise checking the man. I can see his outfit now, but I'm still unable to see his face.

          "Y/n, What you doing awake?" Rick asks me.

          "I couldn't sleep. I heard the gate open and decided to see who you guys brought in." I said and shrugged. I could tell the guy had about shoulder length hair. I chuckled as the memory of my brother always having a little bit longer hair and me and his friends giving him the nickname Jesus. I decided to head back to my house as nothing exciting was happening.

          "I think I'll have another go at sleep guys. Goodnight." Just as I reached the door handle I heard my name being whispered. It was so quiet thought I figured it was my imagination and I walked out. I walked to my house and inside.

~~The Next Morning~~

          I woke up to someone knocking on my door. I quickly shouted out 'Hang On!' and put on my blue jeans and a white t-shirt. I walked down the steps quickly and opened the door, revealing Rick.

         "Oh hey Rick. What's up?" I asked.

          "We need you to come over to my house." He said.

          "Oh, ok. I'll be over in just a few. Let me get better dressed." I said and he nodded. I closed my door and ran upstairs. It was odd Rick needed me to come over, but I figured it was probably to babysit Judith or something. I walked into my room and put on a clean pair of jeans and a shirt. I put on my gym shoes and walked out of my house to Ricks.

          "Come in!" I heard Rick shout after I knocked on the door. I opened the door and saw Daryl, Maggie, Glen, Rick, Michonne and Carl sitting at the dining table.

          "So, What's going on?" I asked. They all had smiles on their faces. Even Daryl, which is really rare.

          "Turn around." I heard a voice I hadn't heard in a long time. I slowly turned around and gasped.

          "PAUL!" I screamed and practically jumped on him. I hugged him as tightly as I could, him returning it. I was crying into his neck. He kept one arm around me and used the other to run up and down my back to calm me. Once I had calmed down enough I let go of him and stepped back.

          "Where have you been?" I asked him, tears still in my eyes.

          "I've been at another community, Hilltop." He said and smiled at me.

          "But, I searched for you for two years..I thought I had lost my baby sister." Paul said to me, holding my shoulders. I couldn't resist hugging him again.

          "Y/n, We're gonna go visit his community today...If it's safe and they allow it, you can stay there. I'm sure you'd like to stay with your brother." Rick said. I nodded at him. I stayed standing next to my brother with an arm wrapped around him. He kept his arm around my shoulders.

          "We're gonna go get a car ready to go." Rick said and everyone left, leaving me and my brother.

          "I'm happy you're alive sis. I was so worried about you." Paul said and pulled me into another hug. I smiled into his chest, happy my brother was alive and well.

AN: Hey everyone! Sorry if the ending is sorta lame. xD It's Thanksgiving so I wanted to get this up asap. :) Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it today! <3

 :) Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it today! <3

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