What the hell was that?

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We got woke to glass breaking, and stuff knocked over. I told Scarlett to stay there and lock the door as I pulled on a pair of sweats and grabbed a bat. I met the other guys in the hallway, and then we heard more stuff get knocked over, and someone cusses.

"What the hell was that?" Elijah asked.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe a burglar, you idiot," Drew whispered in a harsh tone.

"Well, whoever it is, is about to get his ass kicked," Junior said as we followed him.

We made it downstairs as we saw someone stumbling around, knocking things over.

"For a burglar, they sure are clumsy," Elijah said.

I looked at Elijah. Then I walked over and turned on a light. "Leo? What the hell are you doing here?" I questioned with confusion.

"Oh, hey, guys. Hiccup. I was in the neighborhood and thought I would stopover. Hiccup," Leo answered, drunk.

"The dude is drunk as a skunk," Drew said with his hands on his hips.

I walked over to Leo. "Leo? How much did you drink?"

"Oh, you know, one, two, five, ten shots," Leo said, trying to operate his fingers and looking at them.

"Elijah, go get Scarlett," I said, and he got Scarlett for me.

"Matt, you're a good guy, unlike that loser ex of mine," Leo said, patting my face with his hand.

"Come on, buddy, let's get you to the couch, and Junior will bring you a cup of nice, hot coffee," I said, motioning to Junior, who brewed some coffee while Drew helped me get Leo to the couch.

Once we got Leo situated, Elijah came down with Scarlett. Leo saw her as she walked over to him and yelled, "Scar! I've missed you!" Once she sat down, he grabbed her and smooshed her face to his and rubbed her head.

"Leo, have you been drinking?" She asked with a smooshed mouth.

"Who me? Nah," Leo answered.

"Leo?" Scarlett asked with a look.

"Okay, I might have had a few," he said, letting her go.

"A few as in how many?" Scarlett questioned.

"One, two, ten," he snickered.

"Here," Junior said, handing me a cup of black coffee.

I was about to hand the cup to Leo for him to drink when he started getting emotional, "Oh, Scar. My life is a mess." Then he bawled.

"What happened, Leo?" She asked him.

"I found out Kyle has been cheating on me with another floozy," he cried in a high pitch voice.

"What do you mean, cheating?" Scarlett questioned.

"You know to do the hippity dippity, sticking their dipstick in another oil container, tapping another ass, cheating!" Leo exclaimed.

I looked at Drew and Elijah, who was trying hard not to laugh and shook my head at them.

"Who's the floozy?" Scarlett inquired.

"This guy named Stewie. I should have known something was going on when I saw them making googly eyes at each other. Men are nothing but trouble," he said, swaying back and forth, sniffling. "Oh, who was I kidding? I loved the idiot and still do!"

I leaned forward. "Leo, the guy is an idiot for doing that to you. You are a great guy, and I'm sure you will find someone else that will be much better," I reasoned.

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