Chapter 1

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Today was a usual Friday, get up at 7:30 get ready for the place you dread most...School! But at least it's Friday. As I was getting dressed I started thinking about if he was going to be in chemistry, ceramics, and geometry.... The 'he' I'm talking about is Harry Styles, the bad boy of the school. I've known Harry since we were little; his mom is best friends with mine. I have had a crush on him since middle school. He barely goes to class, and when he does it's a whole different world. Once I was done getting ready I grabbed my keys and hopped in my brand new red jeep. I had just turned 17 a week ago and my parents bought me the jeep I've been wanting forever. I finally got to school and hurried to class; I sat down in my seat and looked around to see if Harry was there. He wasn't, shocker. Once the bell rang and the teacher started taking attendance, the door opens and everyone turns to see who it was. It was Harry. I had a smile on my face, as he was walking to his seat he looked over at me and smiled. I looked over at my best friend Amy and she was off in her own world probably dreaming about Niall. As we are sitting in chemistry, I felt something hit my foot. It was a piece of paper; I picked it up thinking that Amy probably threw it at me. I opened it and it was a note from Harry, it said: "Hey, want to ditch??" I looked back at Harry and he had a huge grin on his face. I wrote back "We have less than a minute till were out!? Just wait bad boy..." And slid it back to him. I heard a little laugh and glanced back to see him writing. He slid it back and I picked it up and read "Fine, but next period your ditching with me and we are going somewhere fun....!" I smiled to myself and thought well it's only ceramics... So why not! I wrote back and said..."I'll meet you by my car after this!?" And slid it back. As the teacher was finishing the notes we all started packing up. Once she excused us, I saw Harry leave and I ran over to Amy and told her what had happened. She freaked out and said, " You're not really going to go right!?" I said, "Hell yeah, one it's Harry, and two it's just ceramics." She stopped arguing and we left the class. I walked her to her class and then took off to my car. As I was walking to my car, I saw Harry leaning against it. He looked so hot leaning against my car. Once I finally reached my car, I unlocked it and we hopped in with him driving it. I asked him where we were going, he didn't reply. He ignored me and turned on the radio smiling. I looked over at Harry and he looked at me and we both smiled and looked away. As we were stopped at a stoplight I asked once again where we were going. He said "You'll see in like two secs. Just chill. "I pulled out my phone and saw that Amy texted me.

Amy- How is your date going?

Me- It's not a date and IDK where we are going... Lol

Amy- Well have fun love.

When the car stopped, I looked up and saw that we were at the movies. I giggled and looked at him; I said: "We're ditching to see a movie?" "Yep," he said with a huge grin. As we were walking to the ticket booth I asked, "What are we going to watch??" "What about 'That Awkward Moment'!?" He asked. "YES!" I replied. I can't believe I'm ditching school, at the movies, with Harry Styles! He bought the tickets and we went and got a soda and popcorn. Then we went and waited for the movie to start. As we were waiting, we were asking each other questions and catching up with each other. This is the first time in forever that Harry and I have talked since freshman year. The movie had started so we put a pause on our conversation and watched the movie. Every now and then we made awkward eye contact. Then all of a sudden I felt his arm go around my neck, I smiled and continued to watch the movie. We were both laughing and having fun. I never thought ditching would be so much fun. Once the movie was over, we hopped in my car and went to subway for lunch. We had a blast talking about the movie and stuff there. When we were done he drove us back to school. The 3rd period was just starting, we both had geometry. As we were walking to class, Harry asked, "Want to go to the beach with me and Niall after school!?" I smiled and said "Sure, can I bring Amy?" "Of course!" He replied. We both smiled and walked to our table in geometry. I texted Amy and said...

Me- Guess what!?

Amy- What?

Me- Harry invited us to go to the beach with him and Niall...want to go?

Amy- Duh!

Me- Ok lol meet me by my car after 4th. Love you

Amy- Love you too

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