Chapter 10: Kyle

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This week went by like lightening, it wasn't over yet but it's been going by pretty fast.

Faster than usual.

It was Thursday and I was sitting in my 5th period class.

I've never really noticed this until now, but Kyle always says hi to me when I walk in.

Actually I didn't even realize he was in my class.....I thank my attention span for that one.

I've felt this warmness against my back, and when I turned around for the first time, I saw him starring at me.

I gained his eye contact and he looked away, but that just made me smile.

Looking into his eyes was like looking at a golden image of the Everglades, it was marvelous.




I'm not even quite sure how to explain such a feeling.

It's stepping into a golden heaven full of angels...with.. no negative energy and absolutely nothing but pure heart and beauty.

Looking into Kyle's eyes was like picturing a wonderful future.

I was blushing at the sight, so much that he looked up, gave me a slight smile and looked away like he wasn't interested.

I turned around in my seat towards the board. Looking down a small light rosy blush appeared onto my cheeks.

They heated extremely fast but didn't show boldly.

I looked up at the board, jaw hanging slightly, pencil fiddling, and studied what we were learning.

The lesson was quite simple, and I had already gripped the concept quite well, so I decided to waste my time day dreaming.

Day dreaming about what had just happened. Literally seconds ago I was in a mist I had never experienced before.

Something so unusual and rare, only few forms exist...we'll more like emotions, but forms work too.

More focused on my dreams then reality, I didn't hear the bell ring. Once I looked around I saw everybody moving and scattering.

It was like I was completely invisible and couldn't move two inches, even if my life depended on it.

I just starred and watched as people passed by. My form was hunched over a little bit, elbows on my desk, pencil in hand, and head tilted down, eyes up.

I was uncomfortable yet I had no urge to move my body in any way.

"Hey...bell rang." I look up to see Kyle hovering behind me.

I looked him up and down, finishing with my head down.

"Yeah...I-" I stumbled upon my words so I decided to save my self the embarrassment and just get up.

I grabbed everything, shoved it into my hands, and rushed out of the class.

Was I really that nervous?

I brushed off the ideas of Kyle and kept walking. My goal was to just keep moving forward.

Unfortunately Kyle would be in my next class. Great. More embarrassment.

Once I got into 6th period I set my stuff down, and sat.

Tap Tap Tap Tap Tap

When I'm nervous I chew on my pencil, or tap on my binders, what goes along with that is my shame look.

The shame look is when I throw everything out of my mind, tap my feet/fingers, and looking down without speaking. It's my way of stopping something idiotic from coming out of my mouth.

Just as class started Kyle tapped my shoulder from behind.

Great, I forgot he sits in the seat behind me.

"Hey..Kc? You left your notebook back there." He pointed towards the door handing the notebook towards my direction.

I took it and thanked him then went back to the lesson. The last thing I need is to be thinking of him, or Seth, or anything else for that matter.

In a matter of time the class period ended. It felt like such a short period of time, but I know it was just a normal mod.

I left the class room causally and stopped by my looker.

My next class was art, something I loved so much. I grabbed my sketch book and pencil case, then closed my locker.

Just as I was about to turn around and start walking, someone hit me.

My stuff scattered on the floor.

"Oh my god, I am so so sorry, I wasn't watching were I was going." The person said helping me pick up my stuff.

I matched eyes with him. It was Kyle, again.

Thinking this was funny, I laughed.

"It's fine. Really." He handed me the rest of my stuff then helped me up.

"Would you like me to walk with you to class?" He asked, "I mean it is the least I can do after..that." He gestured.

"Yeah, sure." I responded.

We walked to class slowly together. Once we got to the door we offered me a goodbye, as I accepted it.

Class was normal, and slow, but I didn't mind because I actually tend to do good in art. Art is something I can actually use to express myself when words can not. It relieves me in a way.

When art finally ended I headed towards my locker to grab my stuff for Mr. Devonty's, social studies.

I wasn't great at history honestly, but I was good enough to pass. The problem is I don't care, no one cares for history accept those really anitsocial school kids who are really going for an education. I mean it's not that I don't want an education, it's just that I'm not like the others who are completely ready to jump off a bridge for one. All I'm saying is that I don't want to get ahead of myslelf.

I found myself sitting at my desk before my mind could catch up with my actions. See what I'm saying? I hate when I'm ahead of my self, it frustrates me because then I have a chance of screwing up, or ruining something.

I've done that enough times as it is, I don't need more numbers on the charts.

"Hey." Sam said poking my side.

"Oh my f-"

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