Chapter 15: Here We Go Again

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I woke up snuggled close to Kyle. We were on his bed and under a set of covers. It was nice, warm, and cozy. Really peaceful actually.

His arm was placed around me, and it touched my waist. His other hand was inside my shirt on my stomach, making that one spot particularly warm. His breathe fell on my neck a little, giving me small shivers here and there. Our feet intertwined like in the movies when a couple sleeps together. This was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

I yawned, tiredness catching my body in a drift. I looked over to Kyle's bed side and saw that it was 8:00. Curling back up to Kyle's warm, shirtless, body I fell asleep in a matter of seconds.


I felt a light kiss on my forehead. Opening my eyes up, I blinked continuously because of the sun light seeping through Kyle's window. Once my eyes adjusted to the amount of sun I looked into his eyes.

"Morning beautiful." He greeted me, pulling away from me to look at my face.

I smiled. My morning hair was wavy and soft. It glistened when the sun struck through it. My eyes dazzled and danced with color because of my energy in the morning. Light blushes popped up on my cheeks were my angel kisses were. Basically to Kyle, I looked like an angel had just fallen from heaven, a small gift from God to Kyle.

I giggled softly, "Morning love."

When the smile on my face appeared the one on his greeted my eyes. His smile was big and genuinely inviting. It's like his smile spoke words.

Once the silence flew by us and a topic was brought up we talked.

"So, how was your sleep dear?" He asked as he sat up, still shirtless.

"Umm. It was really good." I nodded as I touched his chest. "What about your sleep? Was it good?"

"It was great, especially when I got to sleep next to you the entire time. You were so comfortable and warm." He laughed, "It felt like you were meant to be there my whole life." He added sarcastically.

"Awe" I said laughing lightly.

He chuckled.

"How did we get up here last night?" I asked curiosity filling me.

"Well, we hung out in the pool for like an hour then got out. You made me carry you upstairs cause you were to lazy. "He chuckled, "then after setting you down we both changed into pj's and went to bed."

"Oh. I must've been tired cause I didn't really remember that part. I was probably over exhausted."

Kyle nodded. "You were so tired that right when we laid down in bed you passed out."

"Oh shit hahah." I laughed raising my eyebrows.

I remembered that I forgot to check my phone so I got up and walked over to my bag. I searched for my phone, struggling to find it. Frustrated, I dumped the entire bag onto the floor. Clothes and make up scattered in front of me. 'Life was impossible for me' I thought rolling my eyes. I spotted my phone and grabbed it, along with the charger. I shoved everything else back in my bag then placed it under his desk again.

I walked back over to Kyle's bed. His back was placed against the wall and his legs were crossed so I decided to sit on him. I put my knees on the bed and went over to him then straddled him. He placed his hands around my waist and looked into my eyes.

I took my phone out but before I could even unlock the damn thing, it was snatched from my hands. Kyle took it and shoved it down his pants.

"It's rude to be on your phone in front of people." He blurted out.

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