Chapter 13: It's Been A Week Now

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It's been a week now since I've talked to Seth. It's been a week since Dad's left. It's been a week since Derek and I made-out and I told him it was a mistake. It's been a week since I last cut. It's been a week.

Kyle and I have been getting closer. We spent the day together yesterday. This gave us time to really get to know each other. Detail after detail. It got pretty interesting.

I mean he's a nice kid and he has this amazing perspective on life, but there's just something about him. I can't put my finger on it, he's just different. I'm attracted to him in a different sense. He and I have a lot in common. We share taste in style and music. He likes the same color palet as I do. He even takes a great interest in art like me.

Kyle and I are like puzzle pieces, we fit together perfectly to create part of the puzzle.

Kyle's Pov----------------------------------------------------------------

Kenzie is great. She has this amazing personality that not a lot of people know about. She's quiet and cute, but there's also that side of her that's loud and funny. She always tries to find a meaning in life even when she isn't happy.

I would say that Kenzie's 5'4. She has long black hair. Her eyes are an ocean of mystery. They hold everything about her. The blue in her eyes sparkle in the sun light and deepen in the dark night. They hold the worlds greatest things about a girl. She has the perfect complection with a few angel kisses here and there. Her eye lashes are naturally long and her eyebrows are thin. They sit perfectly above her eyes, giving them emphasise.

Mckenzie is gorgeous, I see why guys chase after her. She has the looks, the personality, and makes good conversation. She's just perfect to me.

A lot of people call her Kc, but I don't like that nickname. I like Kenzie better, because its clover to her name. I think her name is beautiful. It fits her. I wouldn't change it so I just stick to calling her Kenzie. Besides, I like the way her name rolls off my tongue. It's sort of...soothing.

I don't know. That's just my idea of things. Everybody has a different opinion.

I looked back at all the lunch tables to see if Kenzie was on her way. I was waiting at our table for her to arrive. She was walking up the isle the minute I turned my head.

God, did she look stunning, I thought. I smiled at the thought of her. She walked up from behind me and sat in the empty seat next to me. My eyes never left her firgure. Once she was seated at the table, she crossed her hands.

"The guys are on their way with the girls. They should be here in a minute." She said.

I nodded and smiled looking around at all the people. When I turned back to look at Kenzie she was already starring at me. She looked away when I caught her and blushed.

"Wanna go get a water?" I asked her. She looked at me and nodded her head.

We got up in sync and walked over to the vending machine. I stuck a dollar in and pressed the water button. When the water came popping out I grabbed it and handed it to her. I put another dollar in and pressed the water button again. Getting my water we headed back to the table. After a few minutes of talking the guys finally showed up with the girls. Everybody sat down and talked.

I noticed some tension or awkwardness between Derek and Kenize. She seemed off.

When the bell rang, signaling 5th period, I ran over to catch up with Kenzie. I grabbed her arm and walked her into an empty class room. On the way there all she did was ask where we were going and what I was doing. I knew 5th period for her was just a study hall, so it didn't matter if she was late. I didn't answer any of her questions until we got into the empty class room.

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