Part 1, Chapter 2

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For the rest of the time at home mink did her homework with Nina at the table before supper. After they put their school books up Mink whispered to Nina. "Nina, don't forget what I said this morning." She reminded her. "Yes I know but why are you?" Nina asked. "You'll find out when I get back." Mink said still whispering. "How do you know you will?" Nina asked as she looked down. "Hush, moms coming." Mink said eyeing her. "Time to eat girls." Sue said as she put the food on the table. They ate without speaking and Mink felt like this maybe the last time for a long while; that she gets to eat with her mom and sister. When midnight came Mink got up and put a note on the night stand next to her bed. She looked at her sleeping sister before she hurried outside. She looked out into the woods before opening the gate. She walked out into the woods but then stopped when she saw what she thought was a man walking to her. She put her backpack down and started climbing a tree. He watched as she went up and sat on a high branch looking out; but then she heard a sound and looked around. The branch she was sitting on broke and she fell to the ground; but she didn't feel the ground on her back, she felt someone's arms around her. She blacked out before she could see the persons face.

Mink finally came too as she sat under a tree. She tried to stand but felt a rush of pain in her leg as she did and fell back to the ground. "Ouch." She said as she grabbed her leg. She sat there rubbing her leg when someone walked to her. As he came into view she could see he was a boy around her age. The boy looked at her as he came closer. "Are you okay? That was a bad fall back there." He said. "Who are you?" Mink asked. "I'm Ichigo, and who are you?" he said smiling. "My name is Mink." She said. "Why are you out here alone? You don't look that old." Ichigo said. "I'm only sixteen, and you don't look that old either," Mink said. "Well, I'm not. I'm only seventeen." Ichigo said still smiling. "Why are you out here?" Mink asked as she tried to ignore the pain in her leg. "I came out here to find my father." He said his smile lowering. "Your dad is missing too," Mink said.

"Are you looking for your dad too?" he asked. Mink looked up at him with an idea coming to her; she tried to stand but Ichigo had to help her up. "I am and I got an idea, Ichigo," Mink said. "What idea do you have?" He asked as he picked up Mink's backpack. "Let's look for them together if we do it will be easier to find them," Mink said. Ichigo thought for a minute before speaking. "That is a good idea. There's a cave nearby that I stay in." Ichigo said as he moved closer to her. Mink tried to move but her leg hurt too much when she did. Ichigo picked her up off her feet and started walking to the cave with her. Mink had to put her arms around him so she wouldn't fall. As they walked Ichigo could see Mink's face turning redder. He smiled when he saw the cave come into view. The cave was dark and cold inside when they entered. Ichigo sat Mink down before starting a fire. As she watched him make the fire she wondered how long she was passed out for because it was already getting dark outside. After Ichigo got the fire going he went to a pile of fruit he had and gave some to Mink. He sat down next to Mink as they both ate but after a few hours the fire started to dim. "I'll get some more wood," Ichigo said before leaving the cave. As Mink waited for him to come back she laid down next to the fire and slowly fell asleep.

Ichigo saw her asleep when he got back with the firewood. He put more wood on the fire and sat next to Mink as he took off his jacket. He put the jacket on Mink whose jacket was way too thin for this cold night. He then laid down and fell asleep next to her.When Mink woke the next day she found the jacket over her and Ichigo gone. She put the jacket on and got up painfully. She slowly walked to the opening of the cave and looked around for Ichigo; she couldn't see him anywhere. She looked down at her feet wondering when her leg would get better. Ichigo came back and saw Mink at the opening of the cave looking at her feet. He walked over to her with fruit in his arms. "What are you doing?" Ichigo asked. Mink jumped and fell into Ichigo with fruit flying everywhere as they hit the ground. "Ouch. Sorry, Ichigo didn't mean to fall on you." Mink said sitting up off him. Ichigo stood trying not to laugh. "I'm sorry. I scared you." He said smiling at her.

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