Part 1, Chapter 4

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"What now?" He said to himself. "Ichigo!" Mink yelled louder. He climbed down the tree as fast as he could. "What is it?" He asked. "Something's coming." Mink said looking at him. Ichigo looked out into the woods waiting for whatever it was to come into view. Soon he saw a man coming to him. The man stopped when he saw Ichigo. "Who are you?" Ichigo asked. "I was about to ask the same thing young man." He said. Mink looked up; she'd know that voice anywhere. "Ichigo." Mink whispered. "What?" Ichigo asked not looking away from the man. "That's my father." She said. "Are you sure?" Ichigo said looking at her now. "Yes. Try calling his name, its bob." Mink said as she held onto the tree. Ichigo looked back at the man. "Is your name bob?" he asked him. "Yes but how did you know?" he asked Ichigo.

"He knew because of me." Mink said now standing next to Ichigo. Bob looked at her face before speaking. "You can't be." He said. "Yup it's me, dad." Mink said smiling and trying not to fall. After Mink spoke Bob had her in a hug. "How did my Babygirl get out here?" he asked still hugging her. "She came to find you sir and my name is Ichigo." He said standing next to them. Bob let her out of the hug and looked at her. Mink took a step back and tripped. "Ouch." She said as she hit the ground. "Are you okay, Mink?" Ichigo asked. "I'm okay but look at my crutches. Now I can't use them." Mink said as she held up one of the broken pieces. "I have a camp not far from here. We can talk there." Bob said. "I can't make that, dad. My leg is hurt." Mink said. "How are we going to get you there? I can't carry you I'm too old." Bob said trying to think. Ichigo and Mink looked at each other. Ichigo bent down to her and pick her up. Mink leaned on him as he carried her. "Follow me." Bob said walking. "Let's go mint." Mink said looking back. "Who is that?" Bob asked. "A bear cub." Ichigo said. The cub followed them as they came closer to the camp.

"Where did you get a bear cub?" Bob asked. They walked into the camp and Ichigo sat Mink down before answering. "It's a long story." Ichigo said then sat down next to Mink. "It's is a long night." Bob said smiling at him. Ichigo thought about how to say it before he spoke. "I saved her but her mom was gone. I really don't know what happened. I saw them running in the woods. The mom bear tripped and fell to the ground. I picked up the cub without thinking and hide. When I looked back she was looking at me; telling me to run with her eyes so I did with mint."Ichigo said looking down. "I'm glad you both are safe though." Mink said making him look up at her. "It's getting late, let's get some rest." Bob said and with that everyone laid down and fell fast asleep. When morning Ichigo was waking Mink up. "Mink. Mink wake up." Ichigo said as he pushed her lightly. Mink opened her eyes looking up at Ichigo. "Good Morning. Where did dad go?" mink asked sitting up. "He went to find food."Ichigo said as he put wood on the fire.

"Oh okay." Mink said. "How is your leg?" Ichigo asked. "It's okay. I only feel a little bit of pain now." She said. "Does it look any bigger than before?" Ichigo asked sitting next to her. "Not that I can see, no." Mink said. "Let me see." Ichigo said pulling her closer so he could look at her foot. "It does look a little better but you still need to stay off of it." Ichigo said looking at her. They were sitting close together when Ichigo looked up at Minks face. "Can you tell me what happened to mint's mom?" mink asked. "I really don't know. I think she is dead, she never came back for her cub." Ichigo said looking down. "I'm sure she would have thanked you for saving her baby." Mink said. "What is your family like back home?" Ichigo asked. Mink thought for a moment. "I guess mom is like all moms are and my sister can't sit still. Oh you should meet my friend momoko, you can tell her anything." Mink said looking at the sky.

"Well I'd love to meet all of them." Ichigo said smiling. "How'd you sleep, mink?" bob asked walking into camp. "Good. How about you?" mink said trying to stand. "Stay sitting or you'll hurt your leg more."Ichigo said making her sit. "Good. How did you two meet?" bob asked as he handed out the food he had before sitting. "I was climbing a tree and fell." Mink said as she ate. "Lucky for her I was under it when she fell from the tree. I broke her fall but she black out so I took her to a save place and waited for her to wake."Ichigo said before eating. Ichigo thought for a moment before he spoke again. "Now that we found your father are you going home?" he asked. "No. I said we would look for both of our fathers together." Mink said a little too fast then looked at bob. "Well if dad want to we can show him where to go but I made you a promise that I would help." Mink sat there waiting for someone to speak.

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