Part 1, Chapter 8

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Ichigo smiled at her before speaking to Bob. "Do you want to help me look?" Ichigo asked. "Sure, I'll go with you," Bob said. They walked off leaving Mink where she was. They looked around at many faces before Bob spoke. "What's your father's name?" Bob asked. "His name is Joe," Ichigo said. Bob then yelled the name out until someone turned to them. "Dad!" Ichigo said as he and Bob walked to him. "Ichigo, how did you get here?" Joe asked. "That's a long story. This is Bob; my friend's dad." Ichigo said smiling. "Bob it's nice to meet you," Joe said. "It's nice to meet you too," Bob said smiling. "I'm going to go get Mink. Wait here for me." Ichigo said before turning back to where Mink was. Mink was lying on the ground smiling when Ichigo walked up to her. "What are you doing?" Ichigo asked smiling as he pulled her up to her feet. "Did you find your father?" Mink asked. "Yes, but you didn't answer me," Ichigo said. Ichigo leads her back to his father as they talked. "I was thinking of a way to get everyone home," Mink said smiling. "What's your plan?" Ichigo asked as they came to Joe and Bob. "I'll tell you later," Mink said. Ichigo looked at her for a little longer before turning to his father. "Dad this is Mink; Mink this is Joe, my father," Ichigo said. "It's nice to meet you, young lady," Joe said. "It's nice to meet you too. Okay, guys, I've got an idea to get everyone home. I'll go get Mint." Mink said before leaving.

"Who is Mint?" Joe asked. "You'll find out soon," Bob said smiling a little. Mink looked around for Mint and walked to her when she found her. "Mint it's time to go," Mink said. "Okay. Mink this is my mother." Mint said as they all walked back to the others. "Hello. Do you have a name?" Mink asked. "Yes, I do. My name is Berry." She said. The others watched as Mink and the Bears came up to them. "Okay everyone, my plan is to use Ed to fly some of the people on his back and the others we'll walk back. Ed knows the plan already so all we have to do is get everyone ready to go." Mink said looking around at everyone. Joe and Bob looked at each other without speaking. Ichigo looked at Mink as he spoke. "Let's get started then." He said smiling. "Ed are you ready to go to Frog Creek?" Mink asked. "Yes, I'm ready," Ed said bowing his head. After ten minutes passed everyone was ready to go. Everyone who was badly hurt was riding on Ed which was only nine people out of eighteen. "Dad you can help Ed, get on," Ichigo said. Joe got onto Ed then looked at his son. "Okay. You be careful." Joe said. "Fly slow Ed. See you all soon." Mink said as Ed left. It was a long climb down from the cave but everyone except Mink was on the ground now. Mink was glad that she changed back into her other clothes before the climb down.

As Mink looked down at the others she lost her footing and was now dangling on the side. "Mink its okay, you need to jump. I'm right here, I got you." Ichigo said as he stood under her. Mink didn't want to do it but thought if Ichigo was there she would be fine. Mink waited a minute before jumping off. Ichigo caught her but they both fell to the ground. "Are you okay?" Ichigo asked as he looked at her in his arms. Mink opened her eyes which she closed when she jumped and saw Ichigo's face was close to hers. "Mink are you okay?" Bob asked as he walked to them. "I'm okay," Mink said as she got up. She watched as Ichigo got up before speaking again. "Let's get going." She said.

Everyone followed her and Ichigo into the forest; Mint and Berry were following behind the group. Mink noticed as they walked that her time in the forest has made her a good navigator. They walk for hours before anyone spoke. "Let's rest here. Mink you and I will find some food." Ichigo said. Everyone sat down after Ichigo spoke. Mink walked over to Bob and took her backpack from him so she could use it to carry as much food as they could find. A few minutes later Ichigo was pointing out an apple tree. They walked to it, filled up Mink's backpack and their arms with apple. They walked back to the others without saying anything; only looking at each other. Mink could hear her heart beating faster and she couldn't figure out why. When they got back to their group Mink and Ichigo handed out the apples to everyone. They all sat there eating for five minutes before they started walking again. It was getting dark but they were almost back home. This time as they walked Bob and Ichigo lead them and Mink stayed in the back; making sure everyone was moving.

Ichigo walked to the back where Mink was. "Hello, Mink," Ichigo said as he got closer to her. "Hello. How are we doing up there?" Mink asked looking at him. "We're getting there. We are almost to your house and Bob thinks it'd be best if we walked out first then call to the others." Ichigo said walking closer to her. "That's a good idea. My mom would go crazy if she saw a lot of people coming into her back yard." Mink said smiling. "Okay, I'll go tell Bob," Ichigo said smiling. He waited for a few seconds before walking away. Mink watched as Ichigo left then Mint came to walk next to her. "Mink are you okay? You look a little distance to me." Mint said worriedly. "I'm just sad my little adventure is over but I'm also happy to go home," Mink said. Mint thought for a moment before speaking. "Adventures don't stop when one ends; they start a new one. I believe you are sad because of this maybe the last time you see Ichigo." Mint said. Mink stopped walking and Mint did too. Mink was about to speak when Ichigo came back to them. "Bob told me to get you. We are there." Ichigo said as he looked at both of them.

  "Okay." Mint said to Ichigo before turning back to Mint, "Mint, if you know my answer then why ask?" Mink said; rhetoricaly. Mint gave her a small smile; Ichigo looked at them confused. "Did I miss something?" Ichigo asked. Mink smiled at him. "Don't worry about it. I guess you can say it was just girl talk." Mink said. Ichigo looked at her not sure what to think. They walked up to the front of the group to Bob. "Ready you two?" Bob asked. Ichigo and Mink said yes at the same time and tried not to laugh as they looked at each other. Mink, Bob and Ichigo walked out of the woods and into the yard of Mink's house.

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