After Mink heard him she started walking away from the shop she was at. The two guys John spoke of then walked up to her; Mink stopped waking and looked at them. The guys both were taller than she was and had armor on. "Can I help you?" Mink asked them. "How old are you?" One man asked. "Sixteen, way do you ask?" Mink asked as they looked at each other. As Mink watched the men she noticed one of them had green eyes; that was rare in this area. "You need to come with us, let's go." The green eyed man said. "Why?" Mink asked as she began slowly walking backwards. "Just come with us." The other man said as he moved closer to her. "No." Mink said as one of them grabbed her arm; Mink tried to pull away when the other man grabbed her other arm. As they walked away holding onto Mink she looked back at John and Nodded to him as she dropped a note on the ground. After the men had left with Mink John walked over to where she had dropped the note and picked it up. John opened the note and began reading. "Oh no, she has changed the plan and now I can't stop her. Ichigo is not going to be happy about this." John said to himself before leaving the village and headed to where Berry was waiting.
As the men pulled Mink into the yard of a big house she looked around; People could see the men taking her but did not help. When one of them opened the door to the house Mink looked back in front of her. Mink heard the door close behind her after the green eyed man pulled her into the house. Mink looked around inside and could see the house was not just big but nice too. They lead her upstairs and down a long hallway before stopping at a door. Soon a woman came up to them with keys; Mink guessed she is one of the house keepers. After the woman opened the door one of the men pushed her into the room. Mink looked back to the door as the woman came in; closing the door behind her. The woman looked up to Mink before speaking to her. "I'm so sorry young lady; you came to this town at the wrong time." The woman said in an apologetic voice. Mink didn't expect the woman to say anything like she did. "Why are you sorry?" Mink asked. "I am because I know what's going on here and can't help you or the other girls." She answered. Mink looked around the room to see other girls; Mink smiled as she turned back to the woman. "I'm sure you've done more for them then you know," Mink said as she sat down on one of the beds. "Who are you?" The girl who was standing asked; Mink looked at her and noticed that she was the oldest out of the girls. "My name is Mink; I'm here to get all of you out." She answered.
The woman walked closer to Mink after she spoke. "So you wanted them to take you." She said; Mink nodded to her. "Yes, and there are others who are helping too," Mink said. "I guess people are looking for us then." The girl said. "What is your name?" Mink asked. "My name is May." She answered. "What about your family May?" Mink asked. "My mom died when I was two; I only have my brother and dad if I can find them," May answered as she sat down on the other bed. "Well I'm sure you'll find them and I'll help you too," Mink said smiling. "What do you plan to do to get the girls out of here?" The woman interrupted. "The plan is simple really. I'll have you and May lead the girls to some friends of mine while I give all of you a distraction. When they were bringing me in here I noticed outside there is a maze so I'm going to use it." Mink said. "That may work but I hope you can handle it." The woman said. "Don't worry; I can handle anything they can throw at me," Mink said smiling. "Okay, and by the way my name is Ai." She said smiling back. Ichigo watched as the girls played before looking back out of the cave; it had already been a full day since Mink and John left. Ichigo then saw Heart flying to him as fast as she could with a note in her beak. "Hello Heart," Ichigo said when she was closer to him. After Ichigo took the note from Heart she went down to the ground at Ichigo's feet; she was very tired. Ichigo Knew the note was for him when he saw his name; he then quickly opened it to read. After reading every word his father wrote Ichigo became worried. Nina and Misaki immediately noticed the change and got up looking at him. "Ichi," Nina said worriedly. Alex looked over to Ichigo after Nina spoke. When she saw the worried look on his face she walked over to him.
"What's the matter?" Alex asked before noticing the note in his hands. Ichigo looked over to her before speaking. "Mink is going to be in danger now." He said. Ed who had been listening got up and went over to them. Ichigo watched as he got closer to Alex; jumping at her. Alex began backing up but Ichigo stopped her from moving. "He knows you're not telling me something." Ichigo said as the girls stopped playing to watch them. Alex then decided that now was the best time to tell him as she turned back to Ichigo. "Okay, I'll tell you." She said; Ed stopped jumping as Alex sat down. "Afrodago is looking for a wife for his eighteen-year-old son; I also believe that his son has no idea about this. He's taking the girls to see who will save them. The woman who comes to get the girls will become his son's wife; that is why no one will go after the girls. If Mink doesn't come back when the girls come then he will make her become his son's wife. I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this." Alex said as she looked at the ground. "Be sorry for Mink; she is in that house right now," Ichigo said letting his voice show how upset he was. Ichigo looked at the note in his hand before speaking again. "There is more to it now; this note is from my dad. I guess my life is coming in a full circle; Sam Afodago is my uncle. I' haven't seen him for many years but dad said that after mom and aunt Lilly died uncle changed. I now also believe that I'm the only one who can stop him." Ichigo said. Alex looked up at Ichigo before standing. "I know how you feel but if you go out there now you'll put Mink and the girls in danger." She said. Ichigo thought about what Alex said before speaking again. "Okay but if she doesn't come back with the girls I'm going after her even if I have to go alone and face an army," Ichigo said.

The Special Gift
FantasyIn this small town, they are cut off from the rest around them do to a beast in the woods. Any who have entered have never come back to their homes and loved ones but when a father never comes back after years has passed his daughter decides to go...