Nina was looking out the window until she heard the door open. She looked into her empty room when she heard Momoko's voice. She looked back out the window and saw people in the yard. She leaned out the window to get a better look. When she recognized one of them she ran out of her room and down to the kitchen where her mother and Momoko were. "What is it?" Sue asked as she stopped Nina from going outside. "Mink is back." Nina said happily before running out. Sue and Momoko followed her out. Nina was already hugging Mink when Sue and Momoko came out. Mink looked up and smiled at them. Sue ran over to her and hugged her with Momoko following her. Sue heard someone speak and stopped hugging Mink to look at the man. "Bob is that you?" Sue asked. "Yes, it's me, Sue," Bob said smiling as Sue hugged him. "See I told you I'd come back," Mink said as she hugged Momoko. Momoko stopped hugging her and looked at Ichigo. Mink looked at him before speaking. "This is Ichigo, Momo. He helped me out a lot and he's also the one I saw." Mink said smiling. Ichigo smiled at Mink before looking at Momoko. "Hello," Ichigo said to her. Momoko looked at Ichigo then at Mink and smiled. Mink then remembered that her plan wasn't over yet. "I almost forgot," Mink said turning back to the forest.
"Mint come on out," Mink yelled to the trees. Soon they all saw bears and many people coming out of the forest; Mink looked at her mother. Sue let her face ask the question. "They're the people we found," Mink told her. Mink then looked up to the sky over the trees. "Ichigo get everyone back. We need more room for Ed." Mink said still looking up. "Okay everyone you heard her. Move back so he can have room." Ichigo said. Everyone did as they said and moved. When everyone was back Ichigo looked back to Mink and smiled. Mink yelled Ed's name into the sky but he didn't come. She tried again but with the same results.
Ichigo looked around in the sky. "Where is he?" Ichigo asked. "I don't think he can hear me," Mink said thinking. "Mink use the jewel," Mint said walking to her. "You think that will work?" Mink asked as she took out the jewel. Sue asked Bob who is she talking to but Bob didn't answer her; he only smiled. "Yes, it will. Now give it a try." Mint said sitting down next to Mink. Mink took the jewel in her hand and changed into the dress. "Wow," Nina said as she looked at her sister. Mink looked at her outfit before speaking. "Oops, wrong outfit. Let me try again." Mink said as she touched the jewel. The jewel glowed and changed colors until she was in the lace top and jeans.
Mink looked at the others and smiled before she said: "I'll be right back." She then opened her wings and went up into the sky. Everyone watched her as she hovered in the sky. "Ed it's time to come out." She yelled. She didn't see him so she yelled his name again then she finally saw him coming; he was yelling back at her. "I'm coming so stop yelling." He said. Everyone was frightened of the sound but didn't move. Ichigo was sitting on the ground looking up at Mink as she came back down. She landed just in front of him before she changed back into her other clothes. They smiled at each other as Ichigo got up. Sue was more frightened than anyone; she didn't move an inch.
Ed slowly landed in the yard as Mink walked up to him. "Okay everyone rides over," Mink said. Joe got down first from Ed and smiled. "It's nice to see you all again." He said. Ichigo walked over to his father. "Dad let's start getting everyone down." He said. Mink got up on Ed's back to help get people down. Slowly one by one the others came to help get them down. Mink looked over to her mother. "Mom, can you get some food for everyone?" Mink asked. Sue looked at her before she spoke. "Okay." She said then went inside. After a few minutes, Mink was helping the last one down. "Okay, that's everybody," Mink said to Ichigo. "Everyone is but you; come on down now," Bob said looking up. Mink turned a little to get down but she moved too fast and was now falling to the ground. She closed her eyes as she waited to hit the ground but the ground was soft. She opened her eyes to see Ichigo holding her on the ground. "I can see why you mother worries so much about you," Ichigo said smiling. Mink smiled at him and giggled a little. "Girl you haven't changed one bit," Bob said as he helped them up. "Are you two okay?" Joe asked. "Yeah, we're good," Ichigo said still smiling.
Everyone turned to the house when they heard Sue's voice. "I got some food for everyone. Come on in." She said. Soon everyone was inside eating; all but Mink. "Ed I got you some food. Eat before you go." Mink said smiling. Ed ate all his food, thanked her and got up to leave. "Mink if you ever need any help call me also I believe you should tell him how you feel." Ed said as he went up into the sky. "Mint said the same thing." Mink said to herself as she watched Ed fly away. Ichigo walked over to her as she looked up. "What did he say?" Ichigo asked. "Don't worry about it." Mink said still looking up. Ichigo looked at her and was about to speak when he heard Sue. "Time to come in now kids," Sue said from the door. "Okay," Ichigo yelled back to the house. Ichigo looked back to Mink who was now looking into the trees and smiling. "What?" Ichigo asked. "I was just thinking that my adventure went so well in the forest and I'm happy that I had it with you," Mink said looking at him. Ichigo and Mink only looked at each other as they moved closer together. Mink turned her head from Ichigo when she heard her sister calling from the door. "Mink you still need to eat come on," Nina yelled. Mink and Ichigo then walked back to the house without saying anything.

The Special Gift
FantasiIn this small town, they are cut off from the rest around them do to a beast in the woods. Any who have entered have never come back to their homes and loved ones but when a father never comes back after years has passed his daughter decides to go...