Part 1, Chapter 7

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As she looked around she noticed something to the left of her. She went to it to find a fox playing. "What a cute fox." Mink said to herself. The fox looked up then ran off with Mink watching as it left. She felt like something was behind her so she turned around to see the beast. She opened her mouth to scream but no sound would come out. The Jewel started glowing then changed her into a different outfit. It was the same color as before but now it wasn't a dress; it was a laced top and jeans. Mink heard a voice and looked up; the beast was talking to her. "What did you say?" Mink asked.

"I said I've been waiting for someone to find the gift. It's been so long since anyone as found it." He said. Mink was having a hard time thinking of what to say but she needed to ask him something. "What happened to the people who came in before me?" She asked. "They got themselves hurt so I took them to my home; where they can heal. Come I'll show you where they are and have you back before your friends wake." He said then lied down. Mink walked over to him and got on. "Others may call you beast but I don't like calling anyone that so I'll give you a proper name. The name Ed should work; it's short and sweet." Mink said smiling.

"I like that name so from now on I will be Ed." He said before taking to the skies. Ed took her high into the air where she can see everything. She saw the treetops all around and saw many villages around the forest. Ed made his way to a mountain and lowered to a big cave in it. Mink could see many people in the cave and also a bear. "Ed, do you think Ichigo's father could be in here?" Mink asked as she looked around. "He may be here somewhere," Ed said. "Okay take me back to the others. I have an idea." Mink said. Ed did as she asked and took her back to the others. When they got back to the cave Mink could see the others were still asleep. Mink got down from Ed and looked at him. "I'll call you soon," Mink said as she stepped back to give Ed room. "See you soon my friend," Ed said before opening his wings to leave. Mink touched the jewel and changed back into her other clothes. She decides to lie down outside of the cave and look at the sky. After a few minutes go by she closes her eyes. When she opened them again she jumped. Ichigo was looking down at her smiling. "What are you doing out here?" He asked. "I was waiting for you to get up," Mink said smiling then stood up. "Let's go find some food," Ichigo said. They walked into the woods without saying anything until they were away from the cave.

"I know how to fly now, Ichigo," Mink said holding the jewel. Ichigo looked at her and smiled as she changed into the jeans. "Let's go," Mink said then let her wings show on her back. She took his hand and up into the sky, they went. Ichigo didn't know what to think as they went up. He looked over to Mink to see her smiling at him. She turned her head and her smile started to fade. Ichigo looked at whatever it was she was; she was looking at her village. She could see her family outside looking into the forest. Mink turned back; she didn't know she would be missing home this much. Ichigo watched her as her eyes began to water. Mink landed back in the place where they took off from. As she changed back into her clothes she wiped her eyes. Without saying anything Ichigo hugged her before speaking. "Let's get back to the cave," Ichigo said still hugging her. On their way back they found an apple tree and took a few. When they got back to the cave Bob was waiting for them.

"Where did you two go?" Bob asked as they walked into the cave. "We went to find some food," Ichigo said as he put the apples down. Mint looked up when she noticed the jewel. "Mink, the jewel changed. You've learned something new." Mint said. Mink looked at Mint before speaking. "Yes, I have. I can fly now." She said. After everyone ate Mink thought now would be a good time to get her plan going; she got up and looked outside. "Do you hear something?" Mink Lied. Bob and Ichigo looked at her as she spoke. "I don't hear anything," Bob said. "Come on, let's go," Mink said walking out. The others followed. She didn't want them near the cave so she walked as far as she could before stopping. The others watched her as she looked up into the sky. "Ed!" She yelled up. Soon Ed came and landed next to Mink.

The others started backing up. "Mink run," Ichigo said. Without moving from where she; was she used the jewel. After she changed; with the other watching, she got on Ed's back. "Mink!" Bob said. She looked at them for a minute before speaking. "Come on guys, I don't want to go alone," Mink said smiling. Ichigo moved first and was on Ed with Mink. Soon after Ichigo moved Bob and Mint were on too. "Okay, Ed. Let's go." Mink said. Ed took them high into the sky and headed to the mountain. Ichigo looked at Mink. "You named him?" Ichigo asked smiling. "Yes, I did," Mink said matching his smile. "Where are we going?" Bob asked. "We're going to the place where mint's mother is and Ichigo's father," Mink said looking out into the sky. "My mother is dead," Mint said. "You'll see," Mink said as Ed started to slow down. They could see the mountain up ahead now. "There it is," Mink said. Ed lowered them to the cave and landed inside. Bob and Ichigo looked around and saw many people and a bear just like Mink did before. When Mint was off of Ed she ran to the bear they saw. "Ichigo go find your father, I'll wait here," Mink said after everyone was off of Ed.

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