Part 2, Chapter 7

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After Ichigo spoke the words a bright light came from Ed. Ichigo walked over to him as Ed sat down. "Ed what's on your neck?" Ichigo asked as he looked at it. Mint then came up to Ichigo and Ed. "Ed is that what I think it is?" Mint asked. "Yes it is. It only shows itself to someone with a true heart and I believe that is Ichigo." Ed said to Mint. Mint began pushing Ichigo closer to Ed. Ichigo looked at Mint then looked back to Ed. "Okay I understand." Ichigo said before reaching out and grabbing the jewel off of Ed. Ichigo closed his hand around the jewel when he got it off of Ed. After closing his hand on the jewel he was engulfed in the same light he saw before. When the light had gone Ichigo could see that he was now in dark rose color armor, but the armor wasn't heavy. Ichigo felt light as a feather in the armor that seems to fit him well. "There are two jewels? What is going on?" Ichigo asked. "I can tell you Ichigo. Mink's jewel is more about helping but yours is mostly about fighting to protect others. You have shown your true heart and that is why it chose you." Mint explained as Alex looked around. Ichigo looked at the jewel that was dangling from his side then looked up at Alex who immediately put up her hand. "Don't get any ideas. Stay here and practice with it or something because you are not going yet." Alex said before Ichigo could speak.

"Alright, I won't go anywhere yet. I'm going to go down to the ground." Ichigo finally said. He watched as Misaki walked up to him before speaking. "Can I come with you?" She asked as she took Ichigo's hand. Ichigo looked down at her as he closed his hand on hers'. "Sure you can come with me but stay close by," Ichigo said smiling. Ichigo opened his wings and flew out of the cave with Misaki. Alex watched them leave. "As long as Misaki is with him he won't go anywhere at least," Alex said to herself. An hour later Ichigo touched the jewel and changed back into his other clothes. "Okay, I believe I got this jewel thing down now," Ichigo said as he looked at Misaki who was sitting on a rock. "Great now you can help Mink out more," Misaki said smiling; Ichigo and Misaki both looked out into the trees. "Okay girls it's time; Follow closely behind May and Ai. I'll see all of you soon." Mink said before looking at May; May nodded to her. "I'll keep all of them safe and together," May said; Mink then turned to Ai. "Ai can you give Ichigo this note for me?" Mink asked in a low voice so only Ai could hear her. "Yes, I'll see that he gets it," Ai said as she took the note.

"Okay let's get going now," Mink said. Ai opened the door and looked down the hall before letting Mink leave the room. Mink slowly went down the stairs and to the front door; she opened the door to see the guards standing close by. Mink walked out without closing the door and hide behind a tree in the yard. Mink saw the guard with green eyes come over to the tree and leaned on it before looking up to the sky. "I know you're their young lady." He whispered without turning; Mink froze. "You should know that none of the guards wanted to take you or the other girls. We did it to keep our families safe from Sam." He said before looking to the other guards. "Then help me get the girls out of this place. I already have a plan going; I am going to be a decoy." Mink whispered. The guard didn't speak as he thought about what to do. "Alright, I can help you with that. Run into the garden maze and I'll call the guards in to find you." He said. "Okay let's do it," Mink said before he walked over to the other guards. Mink looked around for the maze before leaving the tree. She ran into the maze when she heard the guard yelling orders; once in the maze Mink ran left then right.

She could hear the guards running after her in the maze as she went deeper in. Mink then made a left then another left before stopping; she ran into a dead end. She sat down on the ground as she waited for the guards to find her. She smiled when she saw a few guards run past her but it didn't take long for one of them to find her. One guard that had run past before came back and saw her sitting on the ground. He then yelled to the other guards before telling her to stand and soon all guards were there watching her. The guard that she spoke to before took her arm and led her out of the maze. "It's been seven minutes so the girls made it out; your plan worked." He whispered. Mink tried not to smile as they took her out of the maze and into the house. John was sitting next to Berry and other bears until she got up. John got up as he looked into the trees. He then saw a woman and seven girls coming into view. They stopped walking when the bears walked up to them. "Do not fear; they are friends." He said as he walked closer to them. "Who are you?" Ai asked as she watched him. "I am John. I'm sure Mink has explained everything to you." John said. Ai relaxed a little when she heard him speak Mink's name. "Yes that is right; she also said that you will be taking us to a safe place. I'll have May in the back to make sure no one stops." She said. "Let's get going then," John said as he and the Bears led them into the woods.

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