Part 2, Chapter 4

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"Misaki hang onto me." Ichigo said as he tightened his grip on her. Misaki closed her eyes and tightened her grip on Ichigo when Mink took them up into the sky. Mink and Ichigo smiled at each other as they flew to the cave. "Misaki, you can open your eyes." Ichigo said as he looked down at her in his arms. Misaki slowly opened her eyes and looked at the trees below; she tightened her grip even more on Ichigo. Ichigo made a face when she did and Mink giggled. "It's okay, just don't look down Misaki." Mink said smiling. Misaki then looked out ahead of them as she loosened her grip a little. "Yeah, this isn't that bad." She said smiling. Up ahead of them they could see Ed had landed in the cave and John was helping the girls down. Slowly Mink landed with Ichigo and Misaki as John got the last girl down; Alex then came down. After Ichigo let go of Mink; she touched the jewel and changed back. Ichigo put Misaki down as Nina ran up to them. "Mink, Ichi; everyone one got here safely," Nina said smiling. "Good work sis. Now, all we need to do is get the second part of the plan going." Mink said as she hugged Nina. "I believe we should talk more about that before we do anything," John said. "Mink, my mom is ready for her part of the plan; she just waiting for you to tell her the village," Mint said as she walked up to them. "Okay Mint, thanks for letting me know," Mink said as she looked at Mint. "Okay, let's all get to settle in here then tomorrow would be good to start," Ichigo said as he looked at Mink.

It took longer than Heart was thinking it would get to Mink's home but she did make it there. Heart could see everyone at the table when she looked into the window. Heart went to the back door and set the note down then began pecking on the door. A few seconds later Sue opened the door. Heart picked the note back up and flew up to Sue's face. Sue looked at the bird before taking the note. She opened the note and read every word Mink had written before going back inside to the others with Heart following. "Mink sent us a note, guys. Look at what it says." Sue said as she sat down at the table. Joe and Bob read the note before looking up at Heart. "Are they safe?" Bob asked Heart. Heart bowed her head so Bob would know she was saying yes. "Good; but who is this Sam Afodago guy?" Bob wondered as he looked at Joe who was lost in thought. At that moment Momoko came in with a bag on her shoulder. She looked at everyone at the table then at Heart. "What's up with the bird?" She asked as she sat down. "She gave us a note from Mink," Sue said to Momoko.

"Good, then they are safe," Momoko said. "Yes, but there's more to it than that; she also said a man is kidnaping every girl from villages," Bob said as he gave her the note to read. After reading the note she was given Momoko looked up at everyone. "Since the bird had the note, she knows where Mink is right?" Momoko asked then looked at Heart. "Yes that is likely but why is that imported right now?" Sue asked. "I'm planning on going out there to find them, that's' why I have this bag with me," Momoko said. Heart thought about Mink's plan and knew that if Momoko went out there it would change her plan. "You can't go out there. I'm sure they will be fine; Mink has a plan." Bob said as he watched Momoko. After Bob spoke Heart flew up and went in circles around his head. "Well I guess this bird agrees with you, Bob," Sue said. As she watched the bird Momoko thought about it for a minute before speaking again. "Okay, I won't go. If I do I may mess up Mink's plan anyway." Momoko said as Joe finally looked up at everyone; He finally remembered why that name sounded familiar. Joe got up from his seat with everyone watching him. "What is it?" Bob asked Joe.

"I finally remembered; Sam Afodago is my brother-in-law. I've not seen him since Angel died and that was eleven years ago. I've heard that he had changed a lot when his wife died; he had to care for his son; Matthew alone. People have also said that Matthew has been going on trips and Sam has been telling him he should find a wife. I believe Sam is trying to find one for him." Joe said as everyone looked at him shocked. "If that's what he's doing then we have to tell Mink," Momoko said. "How are we going to do that?" Bob asked. After he spoke Heart flew up in front of Bob's face. Bob looked at Heart thinking before speaking to the others. "We can write a note and have the bird give it to them," Bob said. "Okay, what I'll do is write the note to Ichigo and tell him to keep a close eye on things out there. I don't think Mink will tell him if we give her the notes because it may change her plan so bird, make sure Ichigo is the one to get the note." Joe said as he got some paper and started writing. "Good idea, I also think the bird should stay here tonight so she can rest up before heading out," Momoko said. "Yes, that would be good and in the morning she can take the note to them," Bob said.

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