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I thought to myself. I stood right in the hallway staring continuously at that one person whose shadow or silhouette I saw. I kept staring at it as it approached nearer. The more it came nearer, the more it was visible to me. But still I was not able to recognize who it was. My mind didn't seem to work at that one moment. It seemed to me as if my body floated over some sea in nothingness. It seemed as if my body was hollow. The person came nearer and nearer and stepped on the dead bodies lying in the hallway one by one. The footsteps of that person were so strong that they made the dead bodies squeeze and make the blood rush out.

The person stood in front of me. Actually, a girl with long hair. Her image still appeared black and I was not able to see her. I was just sitting there. I couldn't do anything as I couldn't move. I was not able to move. All the energy somehow escaped from my body and I didn't even move an inch. I saw that girl pulling out a big deadly blade and casting it on me. She was about to run it through my body when someone appeared in front of me with a sword and slashed that person who was trying to kill me.

My liberator yelled,"Zara! Back off! I won't let you destroy her!"

I realized who this girl was. Ana. She came to save me this time as she always did. I also realized that Zara was the person who wanted to kill me. I knew why.

Ana looked at me and approached me and said,"Isa, stand up! You can't just sit like this!"

I got back to my senses. 

Ana was fighting Zara as she yelled at me,"Isa! run! I will handle her! You go ahead!"

I asked in dismay,"What about you? I can't leave you here!"

"You don't worry about me! Just go ahead! I will finish her myself!"she said as Zara attacked her again.

Zara looked at Ana and said,"I'm going to finish her! You fight with those dead bodies!"

Zara rushed towards me but Ana blocked her way and yelled,"You're not going anywhere!"

She then looked at me and said,"Isa! run!"

I was not willing to run but a cloud of white smoke appeared beneath me and took me away with it. I was crying and crying. I was again a liability on my friends. Just a burden on them. 

Meanwhile, the cloud disappeared and dropped me on the second floor of the school building. I gripped my sword again and thought to myself This time, I'm gonna fight!

I again stood in the endless hallway. I had to continue my search...


I forced Isabella to go away from Zara. I knew Zara would come and block the way. I decided to check the hostel. After a lot of lame efforts, I stood at one of the windows of the hostel. The school garden was visible from the hostel window. I stared at the garden and noticed a strange thing. A girl with long hair killing a boy! I immediately realized that Zara was already here. I was about to go out when I saw Isabella coming into the garden and Zara fading away. Isabella was trying to wake that boy up but all in vain. Even it was dark, but I could see them clearly. 

When she left the garden, I followed her, passing through the blood shed. When I entered in the school, I found Isa lying on the floor. I saw Zara approaching near her from the other end of the hallway.

I immediately ran and managed to get Isa out of this. Not because Isa could not defeat her but because I wanted to defeat Zara myself and when Isa's guardian was with her, she didn't need to fight.

And now, I was here fighting with Zara. My oath was to destroy her here and now.

Zara was continuously attacking me and I was dodging her attacks one by one. I was fighting an evil spirit. For a normal human being, it's difficult but I was no more normal, my heavenly powers made me an exception. I was neither afraid nor could be harmed much by an evil spirit. My existence on this earth was just meant to protect Isabella. That was why I was on this earth. The only reason for me living.

It was not like that I couldn't be harmed by an evil spirit. It could surely harm me but the wounds given by it would fade away with time as I was a heavenly warrior.

Suddenly, Zara disappeared but I could sense her appearance nearby. She was still in this hallway. I held my sword up to sense Zara and then my sword detected that she was in the left direction. I immediately swayed my sword up in the air to her direction and then she appeared. She smelt as evil as hell. I could sense that smell. I could smell any evil appearance, that was my power. She then suddenly charged towards me and she held my neck. She pulled me up from my neck and my feet were not on the ground anymore. I raised my sword up and when I tried to attack her, some black shadows appeared behind me and held my hands. These shadows were formed by Zara, I realized.

I was not able to breathe. Zara's  evilness was getting more energy as it was night. My energy got lowered at night and evil spirits gain energy when it's night. Evils appear in the night. Most of the crimes also take place in the darkness and stillness of the night.

Zara kept doing what she wanted. Even if I was a heavenly guardian, the evil was heavier on me than usual as it was dark. 

I saw Zara swaying her hand in the air and her shadows forming a dagger. She pulled the dagger and stabbed me in my stomach. She pulled it out and stabbed again.

I was feeling unbearable pain rushing through my body. She again stabbed me at the same spot and moved the dagger through my body, making the wound even worse. I was screaming in pain. Tears were flowing out of my eyes, helplessly. The pain was not the thing that brought tears, the thing behind it was if I died, Isa would be alone. No matter, Ryan would be with her, but without the heavenly powers, they couldn't defeat any of the spirits.

That was  the thing I feared the most. 

Zara then dropped me on the ground and I tried to pick my sword up but she put her foot on my hand and my hand squeezed and blood splashed out of it. Her evilness was so strong! It made my hands squeeze. 

She kicked my stomach and blood rushed out of it. She put her feet on that same spot where she stabbed and continued to kick it. 

I screamed in pain. Zara was a creature with no mercy. When she was alive, she killed Diana, brutally and now when she was dead, she killed the students.

She was a total demon. A blood-thirsty demon.

She kicked at the left side of my neck, making blood rush out of that wound. It seemed as if I was a cloth and Zara's feet were some scissors. She ran those scissors on my neck and tore the left side of it.

What should I do?


Hey dear readers, sorry for the late update. Actually, I fell off from the stairs of my home. I hurt my foot and my back badly. So think and tell me what Anastasia is gonna do now?Till then bye bye.

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