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Diana looked at her going towards the three friends as she shed a few tears.......

She had never felt so disappointed of herself. She was here to save the three friends, out of which, one was already gone and the other two were on the verge of dying. This was not what she wanted and aimed at. The three of them were now in a big trouble and she found herself guilty of whatever just happened. She empowered the evil instead of weakening her strength. This taught her one thing even after she was not alive- don't lose control in anger and don't do something stupid, that sometimes, can be life threatening.

No wonder Ryan was a heavenly spirit but he still needed either Isabella's or Anastasia's power to weaken Alma's strength and power but at that moment, his mind was not able to think of anything that could prove to be useful in weakening Alma. But he just couldn't afford standing and waiting for Alma so that she could kill both the girls lying helpless on the ground. He tried doing something that could at least stop Alma from coming near the girls.

"I am coming, honey! You can't do anything!"yelled Alma as she slowly walked with eyes beaming red.

Ryan stood up and with his hands he made a big barrier made of his heavenly powers. He knew that Alma would destroy it but it would at least, stop her for a while.

He looked at Anastasia and then at Isabella. He was already dead and he didn't want them to die just like he did. He didn't want them to be nothing in this world, a spirit, whom no one considers exist. Ana's wounds were healing but at a slow pace but Isabella, her condition was pathetic. Her wounds were not healing as without a heavenly power, nothing could be done. Behind Ryan, Alma was there breaking every inch of the barrier because of her newly awakened powers. Ryan's mind was again in a state of chaos as to think what could be done to stop Alma and save Ana and Isa.

"Do you really think this barrier can stop me? You really are a crippled fool!"yelled Alma as she kept on breaking the barrier which was already at the verge of finishing. 

What can I possibly do? I need either one of them. Ryan thought to himself. 

He pulled Isabella up and looked at her face. He cleared all the blood with his hands that was there on her face. He shed a few tears as he looked at her. He pulled her face towards him and kissed her right on the lips. With that kiss, Isabella's face sparkled and all her wounds started to fade away. Ryan then looked at Anastasia and held her hands tightly and chanted some hymns.

Alma looked at them in awe, tensed for the very first time, she said,"What did you do?"

Isabella stood up as he hands shined and her whole body sparkled. 

"This is known as the transfer of heavenly powers from a soul to a human. But it happens to only those humans who have the aim to destroy the devil!"retorted Anastasia as she stood up, gaining her old strength.

"You thought only you can be empowered, right?"said Ryan as he looked at Alma who was now raging with anger. 

"You chose the wrong way, Alma. You killed every single soul, brutally. Now it's time to pay the price for the damage you have caused to everyone."said Isabella, taking up her Angel-Demon form.

"It's your death anniversary and Isabella's birth anniversary. Lets celebrate, Alma."said Ana as she looked at her pulling out her sword.

Even after being empowered, Alma for the very first time, was nervous as she was facing the three friends together. 

Alma thought of playing hide and seek  again as she raced towards the window to run out so that the three of them could waste their time again finding her and the day would eventually pass on and she would escape this day but fate had planned something else.

When Alma was about to jump out of the window, Diana stoop up and held her feet tightly and threw her towards the other wall, raging with anger.

"You have done enough! It 's our time!"yelled Diana as she looked at her.

Alma opened her mouth to chant the Satanic Prayer, which was the only method to escape but Diana held her mouth tightly, not letting her spit out even a single prayer.

"You are trapped Alma! We changed the game!"said Ryan looking at her.

Anastasia took out her cross and the holy water. 

Ana chanted some hymns and tied Alma with her spells. 

She took her to the middle of the room and the three of them surrounded her. A big sparkling circle surrounded them that meant that it was a big destruction that would remove all the evils at once. Diana left Alma's mouth and stood aside. When Alma tried to open her mouth, she could't do it. She could not open her mouth as she was surrounded by the lights of the heavenly spells. 

"It is your end, Alma. This is for the pain you caused to everyone and the pain you yourself felt. You were once good but you chose the wrong path. You killed everyone. You could just work as Diana did for the good even after being evil. You could have saved everyone. But your oath to take revenge caused such tragedy that has resulted in a thousand deaths. The whole school has been destroyed. Now is the time to free you from evil and may you take rebirth again to follow the path of good just like Richard and Zara. May the three of you become good friends again in the next journey of your life just like me, Ana and Ryan."said Isabella looking at Alma as she smile at her.

Alma shed tears filled with blood and regret and she smiled at being destroyed. 

Anastasia put the heavenly cross in the middle of Alma's forehead and Ryan pointed both his hands towards Alma to deliver power. 

Anastasia sprinkled some holy water as she chanted the Lord's prayer:

"Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed by thy name,

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

As we forgive those

Who trespass against us.

And lead us not in temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

The power and the glory,

For ever and ever.


Just as she finished it, Isabella slashed Alma with her heavenly sword as she said,"May you rest in peace."


Hey dear readers! Don't worry, I have one more chapter. I decided to end this journey and start a new book. It is the second last chapter of this book. Bye bye!

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