2 ; high school?

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Prescott Valley, Arizona

Prescott Valley, Arizona

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'We're here'

I read the text, taking a deep breath. I shook my head, I couldn't believe I was doing this. I grabbed my jacket and went downstairs.

"Sweetie?" my mom asked. "Where are you going?"

"Out," I answer, zipping up my jacket. "I shouldn't be gone long."

"Honey, you never miss church," she protests, frowning at me.

"I have something I need to do." I explain to her, shrugging.

"Be back by ten, okay?" she says, and I nod. "You have school tomorrow."

"Don't remind me," I groan.

"They were nice enough to allow you to miss these past few weeks." she says. "You don't need to miss any more. It's your Senior year, after all."

"I know," I sigh. "My rides here, see you later!"

"Who's picking you up?" she asks, but I pretend to not hear her.

"Casey!" she yells as I walk out the front door.

"Hey," I say, getting in the back of Dean's car.

"You ready?" Dean asks.

"Yeah," I answer. "Go, please. I don't want to give my mom another reason to yell at me."

"Yes, ma'am!" Dean laughs.

I watched my house fade from view as we drove.

"Casey," Sam says, and I look up.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"What were going today is.." he starts, sighing. "It's dangerous, okay?"

"Okay.." I nod, confused.

"We don't want you to get hurt," Sam says. "So we need you to listen to us."

I let out a small laugh. "Yeah."

"I'm serious." he says. "You've never done this before."

"Obviously," I mumble. "It's not everyday that I get to go hunt the supernatural creature that took my best-friend."

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