7 ; homesick

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Prescott Valley, Arizona
- a few weeks later -

Prescott Valley, Arizona- a few weeks later -

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"Casey," Sam says, shaking me awake. "Casey, wake up."

I groan, shifting in my seat. We were on our way back to Prescott Valley for a hunt. I was happy to be back, and I surprisingly couldn't wait to see my mom again. We'd spent the last couple of weeks driving across the country; hunting everything we could find. Sam and I had grown closer, which was good and bad. I was glad that we were getting along, but I felt different around him. It was a good different- but it was still different.

"I'm up," I say, looking out the window. We were almost there.

"Are we stopping at your house first?" Sam asks me.

Sam and I were in my car, and Dean was close behind in his.

"If you don't mind," I say.

"Of course not," Sam smiles.

We're both silent until Sam pulls the car into my driveway. When the car stops, I unbuckle my seat belt and rush outside.

I run to the front door, banging on it with my fist. I had called my mom a few days earlier to tell her that we were planning a trip up here.

"Casey?" my mom said, unlocking the door.

"Mom," I said, smiling. I ran to hug her as soon as she opened the door.

"I've missed you so much!" she says, hugging me back. "How have you been?"

"I've been okay," I answer, pulling away. "What about you?"

"Good," she answers. "Not much has happened here."

I had been away for a little over 3 months. It felt way longer than it was.

"Mrs. Scott?" Sam asks, walking up the driveway.

"That's me," my mom answers, studying him. "And you are?"

"Sam," he answers. "Sam Winchester."

They shake hands, and I can feel the judgement radiating off of my mom.

"This is my brother Dean," Sam says when Dean walks up to us.

"It's nice to meet you both," my mom says, forcing a smile. "Please, come in."

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