8 ; another reality

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Prescott Valley, Arizona

Prescott Valley, Arizona

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I wake up to the strong smell of bacon and the faint noise of people talking downstairs. I guess my mom really was making breakfast. I sit up, rubbing my eyes.

My cheeks heat up when I remember Sam kissing me last night. I sigh, running my hand through my hair. What did the kiss even mean?

I get out of bed, throwing on a sweatshirt before going downstairs. It was September, so it was just starting to get chilly outside.

"Happy birthday, sweetie!" my mom gushes as soon as she sees me. "My little baby is nineteen!"

"Thanks, mom." I laugh, pulling her in for a hug.

"Happy birthday, Casey." Sam says, smiling.

I smile back, turning away when I feel myself blushing. What's gotten into me?

"I made all of your favorite breakfast foods," my mom smiles. "I hope you're hungry!"


"Wait, its your birthday?" Dean asks me when we get back to the motel.

"Yup," I say, carrying my bag inside.

"Happy birthday," he says. "But I'm still mad you didn't have me over for breakfast."

"Thanks," I laugh. "And sorry."

"You ready for tonight?" Dean asks.

We were going on another hunt tonight. Sam and Dean had spent the last week researching everything they needed to know about this thing.

"Yeah," I nod. "What exactly are we hunting?"

"It's called a djinn," he answers. "It's like a genie."

"And it's bad?" I frown. I thought genies just granted wishes.

"Three people have gone missing so far," Dean answers. "So, we know for sure that it's not good."

I nod in response, following Dean inside the motel room.

"Can this thing really grant wishes?" I ask.

"We're not sure," Sam answers, hunched over a book. "It sounds like it can."

"Then why are the people missing?" I say. "Does it kill them after?"

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